Hassan Abbas/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Hassan Abbas.
See also changes related to Hassan Abbas, or pages that link to Hassan Abbas or to this page or whose text contains "Hassan Abbas".

Parent topics

  • Pakistan [r]: Country in southern Asia, established as a Muslim state split from India in 1947, bordering the Arabian Sea to the south, India to the east, Iran and Afghanistan to the west, and China to the north. [e]
  • Institute for Social Policy and Understanding [r]: An independent nonprofit research organization that studies the interactions among US domestic and foreign policy, its impact on American society in general, and its Muslim communities in particular. [e]


  • Weapons of mass destruction [r]: Add brief definition or description
  • Jihad [r]: Literally meaning "struggle", a Muslim concept that can refer to an inward-directed personal process to submit to God's will, or to an external combat with the enemies of Islam [e]
  • Counterinsurgency [r]: Theory and practice of defeating insurgency without creating even more local resistance or strategic failures [e]
    • Police [r]: Organized government officials responsible for enforcing the criminal law of their locality, responding to designated emergencies, and various duties considered appropriate by their culture and government [e]

Other related topics