Talk:Multiple rocket launcher

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 Definition In modern use, a family of mobile artillery systems, firing unguided rockets intended for area-effect coverage, complementing howitzers for point targets. These systems, however, increasingly use guided rounds. [d] [e]
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1st MLRS?

I'm wondering if it was the Chinese who invented the MLRS first? The article then goes on to talk about the German invention ... Could Hwacha that was first built in 1409 have been the first MLRS? I'm not very knowledgeable about this subject, and I also read somewhere that the Chinese had something similar to Hwacha. So... the main authors of this article should investigate further into this. Thank you.(Chunbum Park 16:49, 12 September 2008 (CDT))

The Korean devices certainly are from the same time range. I don't know how I could investigate it further, as I don't have access to source materials in that time frame, nor do I read the languages. Even the WWII examples are somewhat there as background. Howard C. Berkowitz 20:26, 12 September 2008 (CDT)