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Superior Creek

Superior Creek was a stream draining into Lake Ontario in the former city of Mimico.[1] It was approximately 3 kilometers long, with headwaters near the present intersection of Kipling Avenue and The Queensway.[2] The lower reaches of the creek had become polluted, and were buried in a sewer in 1915.[3] In 1954 citizens of Mimico living in newly built houses near the upper reaches complained that the creek flooded, and lobbied to have the creek replaced by storm sewers, and a study was prepared. According to HTO: Toronto's water from Lake Iroquois to lost rivers to low-flow toilets the creek was buried in the around 1965.

The creek west of Superior Creek is Jackson Creek, while the creek east of Superior Creek is Mimico Creek.


  1. Superior Creek, 2009-10-14.
  2. Wayne Reeves, Christina Palassio (2008-10-01). HTO: Toronto's water from Lake Iroquois to lost rivers to low-flow toilets. Coach House Press. ISBN 9781552452080. Retrieved on 2011-12-29. 
  3. Michael Harrison. Lost creeks of South Etobicoke, 2010-03-19. Retrieved on 2011-12-30.