Naval Supply Depot Oakland

Naval Supply Depot Oakland was a supply facility operated by the U.S. Navy in Oakland, California. During World War II, it was a major source of supplies and war materials for ships operating in the Pacific.
The Depot had its origin in 1940 when the Navy bought 500 acres of wetlands from the city of Oakland for $1.00. The Navy reclaimed the land and populated it with large warehouses. It opened on December 15, 1941, and quickly began a decades-long expansion. In the late 1940's it was renamed Naval Supply Center Oakland; later it was renamed Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Oakland. During the Cold War it was one of the Navy's most important supply facilities.
In 1995, the BRAC Commission recommended that the Center be closed. It was closed in 1998, and in 1999, the Navy transferred the entire 531 acre property to the Port of Oakland. The new owner plans to develop it for intermodal marine terminal, railroad and truck cargo activities. The site is environmentally contaminated due to past activities.
A portion of the supply depot was developed into Middle Harbor Shoreline Park in 2003. Buildings were removed and environmental restoration created new wetlands for wildlife.