
The literal meaning of the word crime refers to an act that is unlawful; however there can then be differing interpretations of the word "unlawful", depending on whether the act is considered from a legal, societal, or moral viewpoint.
Legal crimes are those which explicitly have written laws against--theft for example. However there are such charges that can be brought against an individual titled "Crimes against humanity" which also have laws that stipulate the extent to which that phrase may be used.
From a moral standpoint, a crime can be considered anything that extravagantly violates someone's personal, or spirital beliefs; such victims of those crimes may feel that they have been "wronged", when in fact no legal precedent may exist. In some cases these crimes fall into legal gray areas that cannot be explicitly defined, because of the long lasting impact it may have on societal rules and values.
War crimes are those which charges are brought up against one who commits heinous acts during a time of conflict. Many of the Nazi elite were brought up on war crimes during the Nuremburg trials; a few committed suicide in order to escape their fates.
Effects of crime
Crime as a broad category can sometimes be divided into two types: "white-collar" crimes, and "blue-collar" crimes. White-collar crimes are those that typically involve non-violent means and result in unlawful profit for the individual. Back dating of stock options, embezzlement, insider trading, and business fraud are considered as such.
Blue-collar crimes are usually violent in nature; murder, rape, assault.
These two types of crimes have serious impacts upon the society in which they occur. One might be the inclination of individuals to perpetrate criminal acts: as more crime occurrs, provided the ability of law enforcement remains static to combat the crime, there may be an idea that perhaps the individual may "get away with it".
Another is that citizens of the towns or cities that have high or escalating crime rates may choose to move out for their own safety. The result of this is that land value decreases, businesses close, and there is an economic withdrawl. The immediate area suffers a negative slide in quality-of-life values, and may become dilapidated. This neglegence allows for more crime to occur, and may be a difficult problem to remedy should combative or pre-emptive steps not be taken.
Despite laws being enacted to provide punishments for given crimes, the determination of "what a crime is" can ultimately depend on the actions of individual. Part of maintaining the element of social fiber is the enforcement of those laws, however there are those that believe despite whatever the legal statutes are, some activies are "not crimes." These individuals may perpetrate crimes based on some logical falicy or rationalization of their actions. Those viewpoints can be, but are not limited to, arguments such as "I'm not hurting anybody", or "What I'm doing is very minor; there's no reason to go after me", or "Everybody's doing it."
Victimless crimes
Some activities, such as drug use, prostitution, and sodomy, are punished as crimes often do not have a victim. Some have advocated the partial or total decriminalization of these crimes, but others maintain that these activities need to be prohibited to preserve morality.