Ayn Rand

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Ayn Rand was a Russian-born twentieth century philosopher and novelist, and founder of the philosophical movement called Objectivism, which believes in objective reality and reason, which lead to an ethic of rational self-interest and libertarian capitalism[1].


Critics of Ayn Rand point to her often fanatical and rigid beliefs and methods, which some describe as cult-like. Many around Rand treated her as a guru. After her split with Nathaniel Branden in 1968, Rand followers were told not to read any of Branden's writings. Rand-followers treated Atlas Shrugged as a sacred text, requiring frequent re-reading, with followers even using it as a devotional during wedding ceremonies[2].


  1. Ayn Rand (1962) "Introducing Objectivism", Ayn Rand Institute
  2. Murray N. Rothbard, "The Sociology of the Ayn Rand Cult", LewRockwell.com