
The town of Rouen (English: [ɹʊˈɑːn]; French: [ʀuɑ̃, ʀwɑ̃]) in France is the historical capital of the French traditional province of Normandy. Today it is the capital of the Upper Normandy region and of the Seine-Maritime department (with Caen the capital of Lower Normandy).
Located on the river Seine, on the way from Paris to the English Channel, Rouen is an important maritime harbour and is noted for its magnificent cathedral.
Already a city under the Roman Empire with the Latin name Rotomagus, Rouen became the heart of the Viking conquest under Rollon in the year 911. At the time of the conquest of England in 1066 by William the Conqueror, Rouen shared with the city of Caen the main role in the province. When the Duke of Normandy became King of England, Rouen expanded its international maritime trade.
In year 1214, France won back Rouen in the war between the French Capetians and the English Plantagenets.
In medieval times, Rouen was the second largest town in France after Paris, with one of the largest Jewish communities in Europe.
It was in Rouen that the trial of Joan of Arc took place on May 30, 1431, and her death sentence by burning was carried out in the market square of the town (Place du Vieux Marché).
The same market square is the home of La Couronne, established in 1345, which claims to be the oldest auberge/restaurant in France. It is well-known for its pressed duck, caneton à la rouennaise.