User:Jess Brewer

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I was invited to Citizendium by David MacQuigg to work on "Nuclear power reconsidered" after a few years' effort to get people to reconsider nuclear power (see "Nuclear Power vs. Global Climate Change" and Radiation Hazards).

Before that I was just another retired Physics prof.

Before that I was a not-so-retired Physics prof at the University of British Columbia, where I spent most of my "free" time (i.e. non-teaching time) at TRIUMF developing, refining, promoting and applying the suite of experimental techniques known as SR (muon spin rotation/relaxation/resonance) to fundamental research in chemistry, condensed matter physics, elementary particle and nuclear physics.

Before that I was an aspiring science fiction author who figured that a PhD in Physics from Berkeley would shore up my credibility. Alas, I was seduced by my very own SF story (SR) and spent most of the next 40 years writing over 400 papers in refereed scientific journals... which (as I soon discovered when I retired to write that Great SF Novel) was the worst possible conditioning for a novelist.

So now I write some short stories, some poetry, some essays and mostly a lot of Rants, for which my professional conditioning was apparently more suitable.

And I try to enlighten my fellow humans -- which gets trickier once you get past the Dunning-Kruger peak. (Google it!)