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A High Capacity Line of Sight (HCLOS) radio family, the AN/TRC-190 is used with the Joint Network Node of the U.S. Army to provide high-speed connectivity between nodes.[1] Individual tactical radios connect separately to the switching and routing nodes.
Family of Joint Network Node over-the-air communications systems
The AN/TRC-190 complements other non-line-of-sight commuincations, such as the AN/TRC-170 tropospheric scatter (troposcatter) radio and a variety of satellite earth stations.

It uses microwave of different wavelengths; each AN/TRC-190 V(3) contains three radio sets. The first version radio, the AN/GRC-226, is being replaced by the AN/GRC-245, with the current version called the Enhanced High Capacity Line-of-Sight Radio (HCLOS). Range and throughput of each channel depends on wavelengths selected and atmospheric connections.

The AN/TRC-190 is external to the JNN switching center itself, but connects to it at the JNN SEP MP2 panel. Initially connectivity is based on the Quad Multiplexer, to be replaced by the Flex Multiplexer, Fiber Optic Modem, or Tactical Fiber Optic Cable Assembly (TFOCA).


  1. U.S. Army (September 2006), FMI 6-02.60 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) for the Joint Network Node-Network (JNN-N),pp 2-7