Statistics theory
Statistics refers primarily to a branch of mathematics that specializes in enumeration, or counted, data and their relation to measured data. It may also refer to a fact of classification, which is the chief source of all statistics, and has a relationship to psychometric applications in the social sciences.
An individual statistic refers to a derived numerical value, such as a mean, a coefficient of correlation, or some other single concept of descriptive statistics . It may also refer to an idea associated with an average, such as a median, or standard deviation, or some value computed from a set of data. [1]
More precisely, in mathematical statistics, and in general usage, a statistic is defined as any measurable function of a data sample [2]. A data sample is described by instances of a random variable, such as a height, weight, polling results, test performance, etc., obtained by random sampling of a population.
See also
- Coefficient of correlation
- Data
- Descriptive statististics
- Mathematics
- Mean
- Median
- Mode
- Psychometrics
- Set
- Standard deviation