Military Intelligence Company (Brigade Combat Team)

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Revision as of 15:08, 23 June 2008 by imported>Howard C. Berkowitz (New page: {{subpages}} In its current transformation plans, the United States Army is reorganizing around Brigade Combat Teams (BCT), rather than divisions, as the lowest level of "unit ...)
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In its current transformation plans, the United States Army is reorganizing around Brigade Combat Teams (BCT), rather than divisions, as the lowest level of "unit of action", or balanced force that can operate independently. Among the most notable changes in the new BCT is a very substantial increase in intelligence and related functions, in the form of the Military Intelligence Company (Brigade Combat Team) (MI Company).

This MI Company reports to the brigade intelligence officer. It adds substantial organic capability for access to information from higher-level commands and intelligence organizations, analytical tools,


ISR Analysis Platoon

This unit receives raw information from subordinate units, and processed information from higher-level agencies and organizations. It is extremely reliant on higher headquarters to provide long-term detailed analysis, tailored IPB (intelligence preparation of the battlefield) products focused at the entity level, and access to distributed databases and products.

ISR Integration Platoon

  • ISR Requirements Section defines the requirements for collection by organic and external organization, and assigns tasks to the organic sensors:
  • The S2X Section manages the unit's human intelligence collection, deconflicting them with HUMINT actions of theater and national services. Typically, the section will not know the details of operations run by other HUMINT organizations, but will send details of a proposed HUMINT action to a higher headquarters, which will approve them, or disapprove them if there is a conflict.
  • The Common Ground System (CGS) Team's workstations display the product of both the It also supports the SR integration effort by providing visibility on the location and focus of a variety of imaging systems:
    • radar imagery from the U.S. Air Force E-8 Joint STARS aircraft providing the deep and wide ground picture. The
    • Collateral-level SIGINT reports received from the Intelligence Broadcast Service (IBS) via its Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT).
    • Video imagery and telemetry from Army and Air Force UAVs.
    • Imagery products from U-2 and Airborne Reconnaissance Low (ARL) platforms.
    • Fire-control radar freeze-frame pictures from AH-64 Apache Longbow sensors

Tactical HUMINT Platoon

composed of four organic teams of four soldiers each. Every team has three human intelligence collection specialists and one counterintelligence agent. Four additional teams will augment the four organic teams once they know the area of operations. This ensures the appropriate linguist skills are available upon deployment.