Labour Party (UK)/Timelines
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- 1834: The Tolpuddle martyrs[1] - 5 trade unionists are sentenced to 7 years transportation to Australia
- 1838: The People's Charter[2] We demand universal suffrage
- 1871: The Paris Commune[3] - Paris workers seize power and form the world's first socialist government
- 1881: Democratic Federation formed
- 1884: The Democratic Federation is renamed the Social Democratic Foundation
- Fabian Society formed[4] - a socialist pressure group that wanted to create a "society in accordance with the highest moral possibilities".
- 1891: The Condition of the Working Class in England by Frederick Engels - depicting overcrowded housing, abject poverty, child labour, sexual exploitation, dirt and drunkenness.
- 1892: Keir Hardie, a Scottish trade union leader, elected Member of Parliament as "Independent Labour"
- 1893: Independent Labour Party[5] formed by Keir Hardie "to secure the collective ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange.
- 1900: Labour Representation Committee[6] - brought socialist groups togethe for the purpose of increasing working class representation in Parliament.
- Keir Hardy elected as the first "Labour" Member of Parliament
- 1901: Taff Vale judgement[7] - upheld the right of a company to sue a trade union for the recovery of losses due to a strike
- 1906: The Labour Repesentation Committee renamed "The Labour Party"
- 1916: Sidney Webb joined the Labour Party Executive and helped to draft its constitution[8]
- 1924: 1st Labour Government[9]. Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald a short-lived minority government that passed laws on housing, education, unemployment and social insurance.
- 1929: 2nd Labour Government[10]. Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald - a second minority government that struggle unsuccessfully with the problems of deflation and unemployment arising from the Great Recession.
- 1931 Recession raises the budget deficit Macdonald's proposal unemployment benefit leads to a cabinet split.
- 1931: National Government (coalition). Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald
- 1934: Stanley Baldwin (Conservative) replaced Ramsay MacDonald as Prime Minister
- 1935: Clement Attlee became leader of the Labour Party
- 1940: Wartime coalition. Neville Chamberlain (Conservative) Prime Minister
- 1941: Winston Churchill (Conservative) became Prime Minister and Clement Attlee became Deputy Prime Minister
- 1945: 1st and 2nd Attlee Governments[11]. Prime Minister Clement Atlee - nationalisation of the coal mining, railways, road haulage, electricity and gas and steel industries.
- 1955 Hugh Gaitskell[12] elected party leader and made an unsuccessful attempt to remove the party's clause IV commitment to nationalisation.
- 1964: 1st & 2nd Wilson Governments [13].
- 1976: Harold Wilson resigned[16], James Callaghan became Prime Minister
- 1980: Michael[17] Foot elected party leader
- 1983: Neil Kinnock[18] - the passionate moderniser - replaced Michael Foot as party leader
- 1992: John Smith took over from Michael Foot[19]
- 1994: John Smith died[20]. Tony Blair elected party leader
- 1997: Labour Governments. Prime Minister Tony Blair - see Tony Blair timeline
- 2007: Tony Blair retired. Gordon Brown replaced Tony Blair as Prime Minister
- 2010: Conservative Government. Ed Milliband elected Labour party leader.