Fourtheenth Naval District
In the United States Navy's organization that differentiated between shore and operational commands, the Fourteenth Naval District was established in 1916, and its function transferred to the Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet, in 1979. It was headquartered at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (U.S. state), and was responsible for the Hawaiian Islands and U.S. islands to the west.
Before and during World War Two in the Pacific, it was responsible for shore bases, counterintelligence, and other support facilities. At the time of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, it was commanded by Rear Admiral Claude Bloch. While Bloch was expected to coordinate with Pacific Fleet commander Admiral Husband Kimmel, Bloch did not report to Kimmel. Both reported to the Chief of Naval Operations.
Bloch was responsible for the defenses of the Pearl Harbor naval base, including such things as antisubmarine and antitorpedo nets, shore-based antiaircraft guns, protective minefields, etc.