Talk:Free statistical software/Draft

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 Definition This article briefly describes what free software is available for conducting statistical analysis of data. [d] [e]
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Just starting this article, feel free to jump in and help or give advice. Gene Shackman 04:55, 8 March 2009 (UTC)

add link to my review?

Would anyone be willing to add a couple of sentences to my review of free statistical software? This could be added into the main article section on reviews, perhaps saying something like what I wrote on my webpage "Basically, for correlation and simple regression, all gave the same results. Some also had the same results for forward stepwise." I only ask because I've searched the web and can't find any other review showing that the packages get the same results and so should be statistically equivalent. This seems like it would be useful information to have. Thanks Gene Shackman 03:45, 14 March 2009 (UTC)

call for comments

Hi Gene, I saw your note on the forum so just popped into check it out. Its an interesting article and certainly good information. I do not know anything about statistical software so cannot really comment on the topic at hand. Should there may be be a little more of a historical perspective? At present it reads like a "current" review that might become dated quite rapidly.

With regard to the following paragraph:

"Before using any statistical packages, it is generally a good idea to have a solid background in Statistics. Then the packages can be used to the best advantage, for example, to choose the most appropriate test, to make sure all the necessary assumptions are met, so that the appropriate conclusions can be drawn."

While this makes sense it is too general to be useful for a reader. Shouldn't there be specific examples of why some packages are better than others for any particular test? My first question would be "what makes these programs different?". Also, "why are some better than others for a particular test?"

Chris Day 14:48, 22 March 2009 (UTC)