CZ:Nomination page/Editorial Council/Peter Schmitt

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Revision as of 05:14, 13 October 2010 by imported>Peter Schmitt (inserting more detailed statement)
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When I first came -- alerted by some critical remarks on encyclopedic website dedicated to Austria -- to CZ in May 2009 I expected to contribute some mathematical and occasionally some non-mathematical content. I would not have believed that now, less than one and half year later I would be nominated for important positions on this wiki. But it turned out differently. It was interesting to observe -- and to participate in -- the many arguments taking place, and I got more and more involved -- often, as a consequence, neglecting the original intention to contribute content.

I believe that there is a place on the Internet for a project like CZ. Even more: Such a project is needed. However, in spite of that there is no guarantee that it will succeed -- it may fail, and this may now be the moment that will decide between success and failure. It will depend on the community which road is taken. If the community thinks that I can help to make the right choices I will do my best.

For more general remarks see the statement for EC candidature.


For me the guiding principles are:

  • CZ is an encyclopedia for the whole body of knowledge. (I am an inclusionist.)

While there are, of course, more important and less important topics, it is up to the authors what they choose to contribute as long as it is correct and reliable material presented in an adequate form. (Naturally, CZ is far away from the goal to include "everything" and will be so for a long time.)

Guidelines are necessary in order to provide a coherent structure and to guarantee that CZ remains usable. However,

  • guidelines should also be simple and kept to a minimum

and allow differences in style and the approach used.

The term "neutrality" is controversial, it is loaded with meaning such as the WP interpretation.

  • I prefer to say that CZ has to be honest and fair,

but must not shy away from a firm standpoint if justified by "expert judgement". (This, however, may not lead to totally exclude non-mainstream opinions.)
As for the much disputed problem of pseudoscience and "fringe": Whether one likes them or not, these topics exist and are part of what is discussed in the public. Therefore, there is a place for them on CZ and they may (and finally should) be covered, but -- of course! -- in an adequate form (and to an adequate extent).

  • Nonsense has to be called "nonsense", unproven claims have to be labelled as "unproven", and unlikely or speculative theories have to be presented as such.

Issues to resolve

Major tasks for the EC will be

  • to find a practicable method of quality control in general, as well as
  • to reorganize, in particular, the approval process and the handling of approved articles
  • to develop a system of classification for articles (subject classification),
  • to organize cooperation of Citizens (workgroups).