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- Di Sciullo AM, Boeckx C. (2011) The biolinguistic enterprise: new perspectives on the evolution and nature of the human language faculty. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780199553280 (pbk.).
- Larson RK, Dâeprez VM, Yamakido H. (2010) The evolution of human language: biolinguistic perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521516457.
- Mukherji N, ebrary I. (2010) The primacy of grammar. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
- Bickerton D, Szathmáry E. (2009) Biological foundations and origin of syntax. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, ISBN 9780262013567 (hardcover : alk. paper).
- Chomsky N, Piattelli-Palmarini M, Salaburu Etxeberria P, Uriagereka J. (2009) Of minds and language: a dialogue with Noam Chomsky in the Basque country. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780199544660.
- Falk D. (2009) Finding our tongues: mothers, infants and the origins of language. New York: Basic Books, ISBN 9780465002191 (alk. paper).
- Moro A. (2008) The boundaries of Babel: the brain and the enigma of impossible languages. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
- Romportl S, Vykypel B. (2008) On the biological nature of natural language and other essays. München: Lincom, ISBN 9783895863158 (pbk.).
- Pinker S. (2007) The language instinct: how the mind creates language. New York: HarperPerennial ModernClassics, ISBN 9780061336461.
- Cattell NR. (2006) An introduction to mind, consciousness and language. London: Continuum, ISBN 0826455158 (hbk.).
- Lieberman P. (2006) Toward an evolutionary biology of language. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, ISBN 0674021843 (cloth : alk. paper).
- Johansson S. (2005) Origins of language: constraints and hypotheses. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub, ISBN 1588116298.
- Lâopez Garcâia â. (2005) The grammar of genes: how the genetic code resembles the linguistic code. Bern: P. Lang, ISBN 3039106546.
- Jenkins L. (2004) Variation and universals in biolinguistics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, ISBN 0444512314.
- Banich MT, Mack MA. (2003) Mind, brain, and language: multidisciplinary perspectives. Mahwah, N.J: L. Erlbaum Associates, ISBN 0805833285 (pbk. : alk. paper).
- Anderson SR, Lightfoot D, ebrary I. (2002) The language organ: linguistics as cognitive physiology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Anderson SR, Lightfoot D. (2002) The language organ: linguistics as cognitive physiology. Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521809940 (HB).
- Emmorey K. (2002) Language, cognition, and the brain: insights from sign language research. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, ISBN 0805833986 (alk. paper).
- Givâon T, ebrary I. (2002) Bio-linguistics: the Santa Barbara lectures. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Pub. Co.
- Allott R. (2001) The natural origin of language: the structural inter-relation of language, visual perception, and action. Knebworth, Hertfordshire England: Able Pub, ISBN 1903607094.
- Grodzinsky Y, Shapiro LP, Swinney D. (2000) Language and the brain: representation and processing. San Diego, Calif: Academic Press, ISBN 0123042607. | Google Books preview.
- From Preface: Language, a core intellectual ability, is supported by complex neural and psychological mechanisms. In this book, we offer a state-of-the-art multidisciplinary perspective on the inner workings of these mechanisms. This book encompasses work ranging from the latest neuroimaging techniques to detailed syntactic argumentation, from considerations of the brain bases of online lexical access to discourse processing, from memory to metaphor. This type of mix is typical of our field today: to be a player, one must have one's fingers dipped in linguistic theory (at all its levels), cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, communicative disorders, and experiments "wet" and "dry." This volume represents this mix.
- Jenkins L, ebrary I. (2000) Biolinguistics: exploring the biology of language. Cambridge England: Cambridge University Press.
- Marantz A, Miyashita Y, O'Neil WA. (2000) Image, language, brain: papers from the First Mind Articulation Project Symposium. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, ISBN 0262133717 (hc.).