Alistair Darling/Timelines
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1978 to 1997
- 1978 - 82: Solicitor
- 1984: Admitted to Faculty of Advocates
- 1982 - 87: Councillor, Lothian Regional Council
- 1987: Elected as MP for Edinburgh Central
- 1988: Opposition spokesman for Home Affairs
- 1992: Opposition spokesman for Treasury Economic Affairs and the City
- 1996: Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury
1997 to 2007
- 1997: Chief Secretary to the Treasury
- 1998: Secretary of State for Social Security
- 2001: Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
- 2002: Secretary of State for Transport
- 2003: Secretary of State for Scotland
- 2006: Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
- June 2007: Chancellor of the Exchequer
2007 to 2010
- November: Pre budget report and comprehensive spending review[1] Corporation tax rate to be cut from 30 per cent to 28 per cent. Increases in spending on health and education.
- Forecast of GDP growth of 3 per cent in 2007, slowing to 2 to 21⁄2 per cent in 2008, before returning to its trend rate of 21⁄2 to 3 per cent in 2009 and 2010. But ""Financial market disruption presents clear risks to the economic forecast, ... Considerable uncertainty surrounds the timing and extent to which the disruption might affect the wider economy, and the longer it persists, the greater the risk of it detracting from growth."
- February: The Northern Rock bank is "nationalised" [2]
- March: Budget[3][4] "To strengthen the public finances over the next five years, Labour plans to allow the tax burden to increase by 1.0% of national income (£14 billion) and to cut public spending by 0.5% of national income (£7 billion)" (IFS assessment[5]).
- April: Bank of England announces its Special Liquidity Scheme to allow banks to swap some of their illiquid assets for liquid Treasury Bills for up to three years [6].
- August: Guardian interview[7] Britain is facing "arguably the worst" economic downturn in 60 years which will be "more profound and long-lasting" than people had expected. (headlined as "Economy at 60-year low, says Darling") .
- September: The Bradford and Bingley bank is "nationalised" [8], and the Halifax/Bank of Scotland bank is rescued from bankruptcy by a bid from Lloyds TSB [9]
- October: A £20 billion fiscal stimulus including a temporary reduction in value added tax (amounting to about 1 per cent of GDP)[10]; suspension of the code for fiscal stability.
- unlimited support to all UK banks and undertakes to inject capital or take equity in banks and to guarantee interbank lending [11] [12].
- November: [13][14] Pre budget report: A reduction in the rate of value added tax from 17.5% to 15% from 1 December 2008 until 31 December 2009.
- January: The Bank of England is to set up a Treasury-financed Asset Purchase Facility to buy high-quality assets for the purpose of quantitative easing operations [15].
- February: Launch of the Government's Asset Protection Scheme[18] - under which firms are offered protection against banking losses in return for a fee.
- March: Budget [19] Alistair Darling forecasts a return to growth in the 4th quarter of 2009 and growth of between 1 and 1½ per cent in 2010.
- budget speech [20]
- February: The Fiscal Responsibility Act[1] - imposes a duty on the Treasury to ensure that by the financial year ending 2014 public sector net borrowing as a percentage of GDP is at least halved from its level for the financial year ending 2010, and to make continuing reductions thereafter.
- March: Budget[21]- a fiscal expansion of 0.5 per cent, followed by contractions of 0.8 per cent each year until 2013/14, by which time the budget deficit would halved.