
A noun is a linguistic item which the grammar of a language identifies as one member of a special class or lexical category, distinct from other classes such as verb. Words may be used as nouns if they accept certain grammatical properties such as countability (e.g. count nouns like 'cats' versus mass nouns like 'rice'), case, gender and number. They also have a specific distribution, i.e. can only occur with certain other categories, such as prepositions, and a distinct syntactic function (e.g. acting as a subject or direct object in a clause).
Nouns work together or with other categories of words to form a larger noun unit, which syntacticians call the noun phrase (NP). This comprises a noun and other items which modify it: 'red car', for instance, is a noun phrase in which 'red' is subordinate to 'car' in the phrase. The NP functions in a sentence in much the same way as a single noun: 'the big book fell off the table' is a sentence in which 'the big book' is an NP acting as the subject,[1] just as 'Fred' does in 'Fred fell off the table'.[2]
Popular usage and traditional grammar books often refer to nouns as a 'part of speech', and define a noun as a 'person, place or thing'. This is an inadequate definition, however, as it leaves vague what a 'thing' might be (e.g. is justice a thing?), and ignores the fact that the identification of a word as a noun typically depends on where in the sentence or clause it occurs, and what with - either more words, or with inflections and affixes that modify words. In English, for instance, it is not obvious whether 'bank' is a noun or a verb until it is used in a larger phrase or sentence.
Types of nouns
Nouns can be divided into two main categories: proper and common nouns, the former being able to stand alone as the names of specific people, places or things (e.g. 'London'). They usually do not take determiners (e.g 'the') or plurals. Common nouns are further divided into count and non-count (or mass) nouns, and both of these can be either 'abstract' (broadly, non-observable, such as 'justice') and 'concrete' nouns (which can arguably be measured or observed, such as 'table'). These categories are broad generalisations, however, since for example a 'table' could be a real one that the speaker is referring to, or the abstract idea of one.
Just like verbs and adjectives, nouns are content words. This means among others that they belong to an open class to which new words can be added, and have some kind of intrinsic meaning. By contrast, words grouped into functional categories, such as determiners, are a closed class without any real meaning in their own right.
In some language families - especially the Indo-European and Semitic languages - common nouns are very often combined with function words known as grammatical articles, such as 'the' and 'a' in English.
Although the popular understanding of what a noun is assumes that they are simply words that refer to 'things' in the world, linguists argue that nouns can only be defined in relation to other units of language with which they work. A noun, then, might be identified as those units which can serve as the subject or object of a sentence.