User:Aric S. Campling
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Hi, I suppose I should give a short version intro up here.
I have many interests but my main areas of professional and academic interest are in nursing (practice and theory), information technology, and nursing informatics.
Non-academic main interests I have are in cartooning (specifically web comics, as I am a webcomic artist) and graphic art. I also have interests (though less so expertise) in music, theatre, movies, literature, gaming, and so much more.
And now for the "resume":
Georgetown University School of Nursing: Bachelors of Science in Nursing, 1999
Florida Atlantic University, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing: Masters of Science in Nursing Administration and Finance, 2004
Currently a self-employed independent consultant in clinical and nursing informatics.
Accreditations and Memberships
Registered Nurse in Florida and Massachusetts
Will be seeking ANCC certification as a Nurse Informatics Specialist in Spring 2007.
Member of the Boston Area Nursing Informatics Council, Capitol Area Roundtable on Informatics in Nursing,
Deleware Valley Nursing Computer Network, and Nursing Information Systems Council of New England.
Research and Publications
Funded Research
The Lived Experience of Persons with Permanent Cardiac Pacemakers. Christine E. Lynn Center for Caring. Florida
Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida. August 2005-December 2006.
Chapters in a Book
Campling, A., Tanioka, T., and Locsin, R. (in press). Robots and Nursing Systems: Concepts, Relationships, and
Practice. In A. Barnard and R. Locsin, Technology and Nursing: Practice, Process, and Issues. Palgrave-
Macmillan, Co., Ltd., UK. (Anticipated publication in Spring 2007).
Locsin, R., and Campling, A. (2005). Techno sapiens, neomorts, and cyborgs: Nursing, caring, and the posthuman.
In Locsin, R. Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: A Model for Practice. Sigma Theta Tau
International Indianapolis, IN.
Conference Papers
Provided editorial and technical assistance for: Techno sapiens, neomorts, and cyborgs: Nursing, caring, and the posthuman. First International Nursing Conference. Nursing in a Technological World. Brisbane, Australia,
July 1-4, 2003. (Refereed abstract).
Provided editorial and technical assistance for: Locsin, R., and Tanioka, T. (2005). Anthropomorphic machines and the practice of nursing: Knowing persons as whole in the Moment. Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering. (IEEE NLP-KE 2005) Oct 30-Nov 1,
Other Activities
Freelance graphic artist, website designer and administrator
Co-author and artist of a web-published comic strip, with several other projects under development.