English spellings: Difference between revisions

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''woman'' '''mâid''' = ''make'' '''mâde'''
''woman'' '''mâid''' = ''make'' '''mâde'''
mostly schwa -'''a'''
[[British English|BrE]] ''barrier, drink'' '''bàr''' = ''sheep'' '''bàa'''
(but [[Vladimir Nabokov|Nabokov]]'s is '''Àda''') '''Âda'''
'''referénda<ref>Plural of '''referéndum''': for more words like this, see [[English irregular nouns]].</ref>
.*îdêə '''idêa
.*flê '''flêa
.*plê '''plêa
-êə '''Crîmêa
-êə '''ãrêa
''person'' '''Chélsy''', etc. = ''place''  '''Chélsêa'''
.*Swónzy '''Sẁansêa
.*nåuzêə '''nåusêa
clóss- '''claustrophôbìa
rhymes with '''milítia''': -íshə -'''ícia
.*skítzô-frêniə '''schizophrênia
Wó- '''Wallônia
pìts- '''pizzerìa
.*Âyshə or *Âyzhə '''Âsia
-zhə '''amnêsia
-zhə '''Indonêsia
.*Toô-nìzhə [[American English|AmE]]; [[British English|BrE]] Chû-nízìə '''Tunisia'''
-zhə '''Maláysia
mostly -shə -'''tia
.*Crôw-âyshə '''Croâtia
-tìə '''Ossétia
'''Patrícia''' rhymes with '''milítia
-zwâyla '''Venezuèla
.*pé-nínssyələ '''península
or -mə '''cínemà
.*Loû-êasy-Ánna '''Louisiána
-wàna '''iguàna
'''nì'''- '''nirvàna
'''Nôah''' rhymes with '''Gôa
cf. '''Ôprah''' - '''ópera
'''Andŏrra''' AmE; BrE '''Andórra
ork- '''ŏrchestra
'''strâta''' AmE ≈ BrE '''strâighter''' - '''stràta
-wə '''Manágua
-yûə or -wə '''Nicarágua
.*pêetsa '''pìzza
.*lám '''lámb
.*lím '''límb
''climate'' '''clîme''' =  ''up'' '''clîmb
.*côam '''cômb
'''còme, húm, súm''' rhyme with '''succúmb
.*dúm '''dúmb
.*thúm '''thúmb
''fruit'' '''plúm''' = ''plumbing''  '''plúmb
.*núm '''númb
.*bóm '''bómb
.*côam '''cômb
.*toôm '''tomb
.*dŏrnób '''dŏorknob
AmE *érb '''hërb
.*afrô-dízzỳác '''aphrodísìac
.*shêek '''chìc
cf. '''Pátrick''' - '''Éric
''ill'' '''síck'''    = ''thus'' '''síc'''
-zíc '''mûsic
''noun, verb'' '''státic
cf. ''adjective'' '''mýstical''' - ''noun'' '''mýstic
''loft'' '''áttic''' = ''Greek'' '''Áttic
''wood'' '''blóck''' = ''political'' '''blóc'''
can be '''móllusk''' in American - '''móllusc
''book'' '''Bêde''' = ''string'' '''bêad
'''qùad''' rhymes with '''ẁad
'''ae''' as schwa: *səbpênəd '''subpoênaed
-did -'''ded
'''áct''' = -'''ácked
''tactful'' '''táct''' = ''tack'' '''tácked
AmE '''tráveled
-ld '''fîled
-ld '''smîled
-ld '''pîled
'''l''' doubled after stressed syllable - BrE and AmE '''rebélled
BrE '''trávelled
-pt '''stépped
''bare'' '''bãred
.*sâycríd '''sâcred
cf. '''compãred''' - '''cómpéred
two syllables '''neûtered
cf. '''hâte''' -  *hâtíd '''hâted
cf. '''hâte''' -  *hâtríd '''hâtred
cf. '''kînd''' - *kíndríd '''kíndred
-rəd '''húndred
''bar'' '''bàrred
''food'' '''bâste''' = ''base'' '''bâsed
.*bîast '''bîased
-'''éssed''' mostly rhymes with -'''ést''': '''conféssed
.*blést, but can be *bléssid before a noun '''bléssed
-tíd -'''ted
.*rícoshâid '''rícochèted
-vd '''shôved
-vd '''lòved
'''néxt''' rhymes with '''séxed
''stare'' '''stãry-eŷed
''star'' '''stàrry-eŷed
''person'' '''Bŏyd''' = ''buoy'' '''buŏyed
''make'' '''mâde''' = ''woman'' '''mâid
.*pâyed '''pâid
''bray'' '''brâyed''' = ''hair'' '''brâid
.*séd '''said
silent '''u''': '''buíld
''gold'' '''gíld''' = ''society'' '''guíld'''
'''x yêars ôld''' in the plural, but hyphens when it's an ''adjective or  noun'' '''x-yêar-ôld'''
cf. '''gôld''' - '''Goûld
cf. '''coùld, shoùld''' and '''woùld''', all -ùd - '''môuld
-lənd: mostly [[schwa]] in (place or people’s) names, where it conveys familiarity: -'''lánd''' used for countries suggests alienness, even lack of sovereignty -'''land'''
Tŷ- '''Thaîland
'''blánd''' = '''Blánd
'''a''' as [[schwa]] before nouns, e.g. '''Ínland Révenue''', otherwise '''á''' - '''ínlánd
'''á''' as [[schwa]] possible in adjectival use - '''mâinlánd
''crime'' '''fîned''' = ''discover'' '''fînd
one word '''hûmankînd
''blow'' '''wínd
''round'' '''wînd
''religion'' '''Gód''' = ''idol'' '''gód
no y before -'''hoòd
apart from monosyllables, mostly -ə(r)d -'''ard
.*Ríchərd '''Ríchard
cf. ''wide'' '''brŏad''' - ''boring'' '''bŏred''' = ''wood, company'' '''bŏard
.*cúbbərd '''cúpboard
.*lépərd '''léopard
.*gàrd '''guàrd
except for [[Frankie Howerd|Fránkie Hòwerd]]: '''Hòward
''hear'' '''hëard''' = ''animals'' '''hërd
''tie''  '''chŏrd''' = ''vocal'' '''cörd
''person''  '''Fŏrd''' = ''water'' '''fŏrd
name suffix, -fəd -'''ford
''rope'' '''cŏrd''' =  ''music'' '''chörd
''listen'' '''hêed''' = ''he'' '''hê’d
''plant'' '''wêed''' = ''we'' '''wê’d
.*prâycêed '''prècis’d
final '''e''' is mostly silent; for words often italicised and ending in written -'''''é''''' see [[French words in English]]: '''e'''
AmE -'''ê''' -'''aê
''medicine'' '''prescrîbe''' ≈ ''illegal'' '''proscrîbe
zé- '''xénophobe
.*préffis '''préface
.*ménnis '''ménace
'''Ẁallis''' = '''Ẁallace
.*Hórris, rhyming with words in -'''óris''' - '''Hórace
.*térris '''térrace
'''órifíce''' BrE; AmE '''ǒrifíce
''BrE verb'' '''práctíse'''  = ''noun, AmE verb''  '''práctíce
sometimes written as in French '''''séance''''' - '''sèànce
''noun = verb'' either stressed '''fînánce
''enter'' '''éntrance
''beguile'' '''entrānce
cf. '''exístence''' - '''stānce
cf. '''exístence''' - '''resístance
AmE '''lîcense''', cf. BrE and AmE '''suspénse''' - '''lîcence
.*ákwêeyéssənss; cf. '''présence''', -zənss - '''acquiéscence
cf. '''dénse''' - '''fénce
AmE '''defénse''' - '''defénce
AmE '''offénse''' - '''offénce
-shənss '''cónscience
-âshence '''impâtience
cf. '''prevâil''' - '''prévalence
cf. '''stānce''' - '''exístence
''mint'' '''mínts''' ≈ ''meat'' '''mínce
''print'' '''prínts''' ≈ ''royal'' '''prínce
-'''êí'''- '''reinfŏrce
verbs -'''ésce
-éss '''acquiésce
.*côwaléss '''coalésce
-éss '''effervésce
BrE -dyoôss or -joôss, AmE doôss -'''dûce
''verb'' '''prodûce
''noun'' '''próduce
''woman'' '''mâid''' = ''make'' '''mâde
sh-; AmE '''charâde''', BrE '''charàde
stressed in verbs, unstressed in nouns, but always pronounced -'''îde
.*rizîde '''resîde
one word '''úpside
one word '''dòwnside
in some names -'''forde
íl- '''elûde
əl- '''allûde
''insect'' '''bêe
as a suffix meaning ‘without’ -frêe should be at least hyphenated, never a separate word:
'''cãrefrêe and commítment-frêe
.*lîcencêe '''licensêe
cf. '''députy''' - '''devotêe
-'''êe''' has main stress when in contrast to '''emplŏyer''' - '''emplŏyêe
.*nîfe '''knîfe
mostly -íj -'''age
-íj '''cábbage
-íj '''bándage
.*hémərij '''haémorrhage
.*fôlìíj '''fôlìage
.*cárríj '''cárriage
.*márríj '''márriage
-àzh '''fûselage
-àzh '''cámouflage
-íj '''víllage
-àzh '''cóllage
-íj '''dámage
-íj '''mánage
-àzh '''bádinage
BrE *gáràj; *gáríj is regarded by many as uneducated; AmE *gəràzh '''gáràge
-íj '''áverage
''person'' '''Béveridge''' = -íj ''drink'' '''béverage
-íj '''lêverage
-àzh '''míràge
-íj '''stŏrage
BrE *báràj, AmE *bəràzh '''bárràge
BrE *məssàj, AmE *məssàzh '''mássàge
-íj '''méssage
-àzh '''dréssàge
-íj '''ûsage
-àzh '''sábotàge
-íj '''cóttage
-íj '''wâstage
-íj '''hóstage
-íj '''lánguage
-íj '''sávage
-íj '''knówledge
cf. '''édge''' - '''allége
-êezh '''prestìge
-íj '''véstíge
.*âke '''âche
BrE *məstàsh, AmE *mústásh '''moustāche
-kê '''synécdochê
cf. '''trôphy''', '''átrophy''' - '''catástrophê
.*dhə before consonants, *dhê before vowels - '''thê
'''lôathe''' rhymes with '''clôthe
''colour'' '''dŷe''' =  ''death''  '''dîe
'''Chàrly''' = '''Chàrlie
''surname'' '''Wílley''' =  '''Wílly'''  = '''Wíllie
soft g - '''menágerìê
cf. '''bláck, Bláck''' - '''Blâke
''eat'' '''steâk''' = ''hold'' '''stâke
'''broòk''' rhymes with '''Ládbroke
'''broòk''' rhymes with '''Bólingbroke
cf. ''noun, adjective'' '''fînal''' - ''noun'' '''finàlê
cf. ''adjective'' '''rátional''' - ''noun'' '''rationàle
cf. '''Âbel''', '''Bâbel''', ''''lâbel''', '''Mâbel''' - '''âble
dis- '''despícable
it is normal to retain an '''e''' before -'''able''' to show either the pronunciation of the preceding consonant or the long sound of the preceding vowel -'''eable
-nsəble '''pronòunceable
-jəble '''mánageable
-jəble '''chângeable
-kəble '''unshâkeable
-ləble '''sâleable
cf. '''lâbel''' - '''avâilable
cf. '''rébel''' - '''pébble
tánj- '''tángible
-sable is French - '''respónsible
axé- '''accéssible
'''prê'''- '''preámble
.*rizémble '''resémble
.*onsómble '''ensemble
AmE '''rûble''' = BrE '''roûble
.*vêícle '''vêhicle
.*úngkəl '''úncle
''médal'' '''medallion''' = ''interfere'' '''méddle
'''bicycle''' ''pédal'' = ''sell'' '''péddle
'''g''' sounded separately from '''ng''' -'''ngle
BrE -'''île''', AmE -əl '''môbile
BrE -'''île''', AmE -əl '''frágile
.*fáx-íməly '''facsímilê
BrE -'''île''', AmE -əl '''stérile
BrE -'''île''', AmE -əl ''prayers'' '''míssal''' = ''war'' '''míssile
BrE -'''île''', AmE -əl '''vólatile
BrE -'''île''', AmE -əl '''hóstile
.*gîle, hard '''g''' - '''guîle
''food'' '''gríll''' = ''screen'' '''grílle
''fire'' '''côal''' = ''person'' '''Côle
''ballot'' '''pôll''' = ''Poland'' '''Pôle''' = ''wood'' '''pôle
''over, eat'' '''rôll''' = ''play'' '''rôle
''adjective, person'' '''príncipal''' = ''belief'' '''prínciple
'''stêeple''' rhymes with '''pêople
'''vással''' and in AmE words in -'''āstle''' rhyme with '''hássle
-zle '''tòusle
''person'' Súttle = ''obvious'' '''súbtle
-səl -'''stle
'''véssel''' rhymes with -'''éstle
'''Rússell''' rhymes with -'''ústle
''gold'' métal = ''courage'' méttle
'''súbtle''' rhymes with '''shúttle
-'''ûel''' rhymes with -'''ûle
cf. '''drível''' - '''drízzle
''person'' '''Mêe''' = ''you''' '''mê
cf. '''âim - '''câme
.*rèzhìme '''regìme
''verse'' '''rhŷme''' = ''frost'' '''rîme
''Alaska'' '''Nôme''' = ''garden'' '''gnôme
səm -'''some
'''h'''- '''whôlesome
cf. '''hysteréctomy''' - '''epítomê
.*rizyûme '''resûme
.*rézumây, written with French accents avoids confusion with '''resûme''': '''''résumé'''''
.*prizyûme '''presûme
-syû- '''consûme
-syû- '''assûme
''frost'' '''rîme''' = ''verse'' '''rhŷme
''fruit'' '''lîme''' = ''England'' '''Lŷme
''persons'' '''Câin''' = '''Câine''' = ''stick'' '''câne
cf. '''remâin''' - ''relevant'' '''germâne
-ône '''colôgne
-'''îgn''' rhymes with -'''îne
''person'' '''Germâine
.*Mádlin or *Mádlən - '''Mádeleíne'''
cf. '''hérôín''' ''drug'', '''hérôíne''' ''hero'' - '''méscalíne
'''vërmín''' rhymes with '''ërmíne
K- '''Chrístìne
''win'' '''wòn''' = ''number'' '''òne
cf. '''Stône of Scone''', *Scoôn - '''scóne
cf. '''Kíngston''', both have '''o''' as schwa - '''Mâidstone
'''o''' as schwa in best [[Australia|Aus]] pronunciation '''Mélbourne
*dí-mâin '''demèsne
= -'''ô''', -'''ôw''' -  -'''ôe
-oô '''shoe
-oô '''canoe
or ón- '''énvelôpe
-'''re''' as schwa - *âkər '''âcre
-'''re''' as schwa - -kər '''mássacre
''ear'' '''hêar''' = ''this'' '''hêre
''them'' '''théir''' = ''that'' '''thére
''clothes'' '''wéãr''' = ''place'' '''whère
''was'' '''wëre
in England, schwa, -shə -'''shire
.*Glóstersher '''Glóucestershire
.*Léstersher '''Léicestershire
.*Wùstersher '''Worcestershire
-'''shîre''' in Scotland – though non-Scots may not comply '''Âyrshîre
AmE '''mêter''' = BrE ''length'' '''mêtre
cf. '''fŏr''' - '''befŏre
'''to the fŏre
(and, for some, '''toûr''' ''guide'')  ''rock''  '''tŏr''' = ''téar'' '''tŏre
cf. '''grándeûr''' - '''cûre
-jər '''ínjure
-jər '''cònjure
-lyər '''fâilure
BrE əlyûə '''allûre
BrE  '''Shåw''' = AmE '''sûre
-zhər -'''sure
-sh- '''préssure
-sh- '''físsure
-chər -'''ture
''of you'' '''yŏur''' = ''days'' '''yŏre''' = ''you are'' '''yŏu’re
''here'' '''thére''' = ''them'' '''théir''' = ''they'' '''thèy’re
'''chêese''', '''slêaze''' and '''frêeze''' rhyme with '''êase
-ss '''lêase
'''êase''' rhymes with ''plea'' '''plêas''' = ''request'' '''plêase
-ss '''crêase
''verb'', ''noun'' -ss '''decrêase
''verb'', ''noun'' -ss '''incrêase
-z '''têase
'''âce''' rhymes with '''châse
''confuse'' '''fâze''' = ''temporary'' '''phâse
-êez (no nationalities end in -ìse); usually stressed but can become unstressed before a noun as in '''Jápanese''': -'''êse
In all words apart from those specified below, -'''îse''' can be spelt -'''îze''', for example '''críticize''', and this is how -'''îse''' is pronounced in most verbs -'''îse
pronounced but never spelt -ize ''noun, verb'' '''éxercîse
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''mërchandîse
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''fránchîse
-êez '''valìse
never spelt -ize because it is a noun and pronounced -íss '''prémíse
never spelt -ize because pronounced -íss ''noun, verb'' '''prómíse
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''cómpromîse
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''surmîse
.*pŏrpus '''pŏrpoise
.*tŏrtus '''tŏrtoise 
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''despîse
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''comprîse
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''surprîse
presh- '''pressurîse
'''práctíce''' = ''BrE verb'' '''práctíse
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''ádvertîse
.*éxpertêez '''expertìse
silent '''u'''; pronounced but never spelt -ize '''disguîse
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''advîse
cf. ''noun'' '''devîce''' - -z ''verb'' '''devîse
pronounced but never spelt *wîze '''wîse
pronounced but never spelt -wize -'''wîse
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''lîkewîse
pronounced but never spelt -ize '''clóckwîse
-ss, as also '''hénce''', '''fénce''' - '''dénse
cf. '''defénce''', '''lîcence''', '''offénce''' where AmE has -'''ense''', all -ss '''suspénse
cf. '''dôze''' -ss '''dôse
-z '''chôse
.*loôze '''lose
''noun, adjective'' -s, ''verb'' -z '''clôse
-z '''nôse
-z '''choôse
.*lûce '''loôse
-z '''expôse
can have French accent: '''''exposé''''' *expôzây '''expôsè
-z '''rôse
''noun'' '''rêlapse
''verb'' '''relápse
''cop'' '''cóps''' = ''wood'' '''cópse
cf. '''revërse''' - '''rehëarse
cf. '''rehëarse''' - '''revërse
''voice'' '''hŏarse''' = ''animal'' '''hŏrse
''vulgar'' '''cŏarse''' = ''run'' '''cŏurse
-z '''ûse
''no!'' -z '''refûse
''rubbish'' -ss '''réfuse
-z '''mûse
-ss '''spòuse
-îze '''ánalyse
-îze '''páralyse
''lure'' '''bâit''' = ''anger, breath'' '''bâte
-'''âte''' ''verb'', -ət ''noun'' '''prédicate
-ət '''certíficate
BrE -ət, AmE -'''âte''' - '''cándidate
-'''âte''' ''verb'', -ət ''adjective'' '''artículate
-ít or -ət '''clîmate
-'''âte''' ''verb'', -ət ''adjective'' '''éstimate
''person'' '''Spèight''' = ''rush'' '''spâte
-rət '''dísparate
-âte ''verb'', -ət ''adjective'' '''delíberate
cf. '''ônerous''' - '''exónerâte
-rət '''désperate
-âte ''verb'', -ət ''adjective'' '''eláborate
máj- '''mágistrâte
-âte ''verb'', -ət ''adjective'' '''precípitate
.*sôshalîte '''sôcialîte
.*définət '''définite
.*ínfinət '''ínfinite
AmE '''réspíte''' - '''réspîte
AmE -'''or'''-; BrE '''fâvouríte
can be written 'Brontë' - '''Bróntê
usually stressed -ét -'''étte
oô- '''oubliétte
''matress'' '''pállet''' = ''paint'' '''pálette
cf. '''hámlet''' - *ómlet '''ómelette
''noun'' '''áttribûte
''verb'' '''attríbute
.*mínít ''time'' '''mínute
.*mŷ-neŵt ''small'' '''minûte
cf. '''ínput''' - '''impûte
mostly silent -'''ue
.*lêag '''lêague
''persons'' '''Hãig''' = '''Hâigh''' = ''city, person'' '''Hâgue
.*plâig '''plâgue
.*Pràg '''Pràgue
.*sâygwây '''sèguè
-êeg ''noun'' '''íntrigue
-êeg ''verb'' '''intrìgue
-êeg '''fatìgue
.*meráng '''meringue
.*túng '''tòngue
-góg: all these words may, and in most cases [[British and American English|must]] lose the final -'''ue''' in [[American English]]  -'''gógue
-óg '''sýnagogue
-óg '''dîalogue
''blow'' '''bleŵ''' = ''colour'' '''blûe
''influenza'' '''flû''' = ''chimney'' '''flûe
cf. '''síneŵ''' - '''ávenûe
final '''que''' is -k: many words end like this, but not '''bàrbecûe''' - '''que
-àk '''pláque
-âik '''opâque
.*Môzám-bêek '''Mozambìque
cf. '''reálpolitìk''' - '''critìque
-ésk '''burlésque
-ésk '''Pinterésque
-ésk '''picturésque
-ósk '''mósque
cf. '''brísk''' -oòsk '''brùsque
''Susan'' '''Sûe''' = ''law'' '''sûe
.*insyû '''ensûe
-syû '''pursûe
.*íshû '''íssue
.*tíshû '''tíssue
''serious, dead'' '''grâve
''accent'' '''gràve
sw- '''suàve
cf. '''jîve''' ''dance'' - hard '''g''' in ''take'' '''gíve
words which have secondary stressed AmE -'''âtive''', two syllables after the main stress: AmE '''imáginâtive''', BrE '''a''' as [[schwa]]: '''imáginatíve
''bird'' '''dòve
(BrE is regular '''dîved''') AmE ''dive'' '''dôve
''England'' '''Hôve''' = ''heave'' '''hôve
.*moôve '''move
.*prizërv '''presërve
AmE '''áx''' - BrE '''áxe
''me'' '''Î''' = ''sight'' '''eŷe
''pig, eye'' '''stŷ''' = ''eye'' '''stŷe
'''plêase''' and '''frêeze''' rhyme with '''slêaze
''period'' '''phâse''' = ''confuse'' '''fâze
''free'' '''frêes''' = ''cold'' '''frêeze
most words in -'''îse''' can also be spelt -'''îze''': all exceptions are listed under -'''îse'''. -'''îze
never -ise '''sêize
''apart'' '''prîse''' = ''present'' '''prîze
never -ise '''sîze
both pronounced -îze BrE '''ánalŷse''', AmE '''ánalŷze
both pronounced -îze BrE '''páralŷse''', AmE '''páralŷze
cf. ''reason'' '''môtíve''' - *mô-têef ''pattern'' '''môtìf
.*cāf '''cālf
.*hāf '''hālf
one word '''himsélf
one word '''hersélf
one word '''yoursélf
one word '''itsélf
one word '''mŷsélf
'''Ádólph''' = '''Ádólf
'''Rôlph''' = '''Rôlf
.*wùlf '''wolf
No expressions with [[modal verbs]] followed by ‘of’ exist.  What may sound like ‘of’ is the weak form of '''háve''' and so this or apostrophes should be written instead: '''woùld have''', '''shoùld’ve''', '''cān’t have''', '''mîght’ve''' etc. - *óv '''óf
cf. ''plural'' '''hoôves''' - '''hoôf
cf. ''plural'' '''roôfs''' *roôves '''roôf
cf. ''sing'' '''sínging''' - -j- ''singe'' '''síngeing'''
.*âking '''âcheing'''
''snooker, drama'' '''cûeing''' = ''line'' '''queûeing'''
cf. ''singe'' '''síngeing''' -j- - ''sing'' '''sínging'''
often mispronounced 'Beizhing': '''Bèijíng'''
AmE '''lâbeling
BrE '''lâbelling
''sound'' '''bŏing
.*dûíng '''doing
tûí- '''toíng and frôíng
''bell, round'' '''ríng
''squeeze'' '''wríng
cf. râcing - '''râising
cf. '''Jôe Blóggs''' - '''blóg
.*Hŷdlebërg '''Heîdelbërg
.*Shãrebŏrg '''Chérbourg
.*Strázbërg '''Strásböurg
silent after a vowel, combines to form consonant sounds with preceding consonant -'''h
can be several '''à'''’s: '''àh
mostly schwa -'''ah
cf. '''Marìa''' - '''Marîah
'''Gôa''' rhymes with '''Nôah
AmE *spínních; BrE *spínnídge '''spínach
''sand'' '''bêach''' = ''tree'' '''bêech
.*ték: abbreviation of '''téchnical'''; also '''hî-téch''' - '''téch
-k '''Zûrich
cf. same sound in '''Åldwých''' -'''wích
and '''S'''- ''town''; AmE -'''ch'''; BrE -dge '''sándwich
.*Woòlidge '''Woòlwich
.*Brómmidge '''Brómwich
.*Grénnidge '''Gréenwich
.*Hárrídge '''Hárwich
.*Nórrídge, rhyming with '''pórridge''' - though some say -rích '''Nórwich
-wích '''Ípswich
-wích '''Drŏitwich
-wích '''Nántwich
''Wales'' '''Wélsh''' =  ''person'' '''Wélch'''
'''lýnch -ch
cf. ''easy'' '''sínch''', '''ch''' sound; ''down, wash'' sínk = ''together'' '''sýnch
-dóck '''Mürdoch
-k '''pâtriàrch
BrE -ək '''mónarch
cf. '''Åldwých''' - ''what'' '''whích''' BrE = ''wizard'' '''wítch
-k '''eûnuch
cf. place names in -'''wích''' - '''Åldwých
-d '''Rìyadh
''ð'' '''éth''' or '''édh
*ây '''èh
mostly silent -'''gh
''no'' '''nây''' = ''horse'' '''nèigh
''kill'' '''slây''' = ''ride'' '''slèigh
cf. '''convèy''', '''purvèy''' - '''invèigh
''how'' '''wây''' = ''heavy'' '''wèigh
''greeting'' '''hî''' = ''up'' '''hîgh
cf. voiced '''th''' in '''thŷ''': vowel sound identical - unvoiced '''th''' in '''thîgh
.''person'' '''[[Aneurin Bevan|Nŷe]]''' = ''near'' '''nîgh
.*sŷe '''sîgh
.*Éddinbrə '''Édinburgh
.*Frâzerbrə '''Frâserburgh
.*Pítsbürg '''Píttsburgh
BrE *làf AmE *láf '''lāugh
-òw '''bòugh
-ô '''thôugh
-ôw '''fûrlôugh
.*slòu - ''England'' '''Slòugh''' = ''swamp'' '''slòugh
.*slúff ''skin'' '''sloúgh
.*rúff '''roúgh
-û - ''throw'' '''threŵ''' = ''preposition'' '''throûgh
AmE = '''búrrow''' ''ground'' - BrE *búrrə '''bòrough
.*Lúfbrə '''Loúghborough
.*Scàrbrə '''Scàrborough
.*Míddlzbrə '''Míddlesborough
BrE *thúrrə, AmE *thúrrôw '''thòrough
-óff '''trôugh
-úff '''toúgh
-úff '''enoúgh
letter '''Ô''' = exclamation '''ôh
-f -'''ph
AmE -'''r''', BrE silent -'''rrh
''end'' fínish = ''Finland'' Fínnish
''person'' '''Wålsh
-sh - ''person'' '''Wélch''' = ''Wales'' '''Wélsh
mostly unvoiced -'''th
-drət + unvoiced '''th''' - '''húndredth
voiced '''th''' - '''wíth
'''Fïrth of Fŏrth
'''gô fŏrth
''4th'' '''fŏurth
''noun'' '''th''' unvoiced, ''verb'' '''th''' voiced '''mòuth
'''ou''' as schwa, '''th''' unvoiced -'''mouth
-məth '''Bŏurnemouth
-məth '''Pŏrtsmouth
-məth '''Plýmouth
voiced '''th''' - ''casual'' '''blîthe''' = ''persons'' '''Blŷthe''' = '''Blŷth
voiced '''th''' - ''persons'' '''Smŷthe''' = '''Smŷth
[[schwa]]: BrE '''er''' = AmE '''uh
-'''î''' or -'''ì
'''h''' sounded '''Shanghaî
'''Ábu Dhàbì
likewise other plurals of -'''us''' - '''nûclêî
.*sémmy  '''sémi
''eat'' '''pîe''' =  ''number'' '''pî
girls’ names tend to end in -'''i''' or -'''ie''', boys’ in -'''y''' - '''Térrì
.*paparatsy - '''paparázzi
-zh '''Ràj
-zh ''Mahal''  '''Tàj
-dj '''hàjj
-'''que''' = -'''k
''vegetable'' '''lêek''' = ''liquid'' '''lêak
''car'' '''brâke''' = ''pieces'' '''breâk
''money, wood'' '''stâke''' = ''meat'' '''steâk
''days'' '''wêek''' = ''feeble'' '''wêak
cf. '''Éric''' - '''Pátrick
.*Wórrick '''Ẁarwick
.*Bérrick '''Bérwick
'''w''' sounded in '''Lërwick
.*Kézzíck '''Késwick
.*Smédhík (voiced '''th''' sound) '''Sméthwick
cf. '''Bangkók''' - '''cóck
.*nóck '''knóck
''liquid'' '''lêak''' = ''vegetable'' '''lêek
''feeble'' '''wêak''' = ''days'' '''wêek
cf. '''sqwåwk''' - -åwk -'''ålk
or '''båulk''' -  -åwk '''bålk
-åwk '''chålk
cf. ''talcum powder'' '''tálc''', '''l''' sounded - -åwk ''speak'' '''tålk
-åwk ''bird'' '''stŏrk''' BrE = ''plant, follow'' '''stålk
-åwk '''wålk
.*fôk '''fôlk
-fək '''Nŏrfolk
-fək '''Súffolk
''ox'' '''yôke''' = ''egg'' '''yôlk
''person'' '''Fránk''' = ''honest'' '''fránk
''record'' '''dísc''' = ''computer'' '''dísk
'''thê'''- '''theátrical
''interfere'' '''méddle''' = ''coin'' '''médal
''sell'' '''péddle''' = ''bicycle'' '''pédal
rhyming with '''cándle''', '''hándle''' - '''scándal
rhyming with above '''sándal
.*commërshal '''commërcial
.*pàrshal '''pàrtial
AmE '''bânal''', BrE '''banàl
-shənəl -'''tional
'''hôle''' rhymes with '''gôal
cf. ''main, headteacher'' '''prínciple''' - ''basic, credo'' '''príncipal
-zəl '''apprâisal
cf. '''véssel''' - '''hássle''' rhymes with '''vással
''quality'' '''méttle''' = ''iron'' '''métal
.*péttle '''pétal
AmE '''inståll''' - BrE '''instål
-zhəl '''cásual
-kchəl '''áctual
''belly-button'' '''nâvel''' = ''ship'' '''nâval
cf. '''êvil''' - *medêvəl or '''medìêval
*Mŷcle '''Mîchael
a common mistake is to write 'Isreal' - '''Ísrâel
= ''capable'' '''âble''', cf. '''tâble, stâble''' - ''person'' '''Âbel
cf. '''bábble''' - '''Bâbel
''noun'' '''rébel
''verb'' '''rebél
''air'' '''ãerial''' = ''person'' '''Ãriel
cf. '''lôcal, vôcal''' - '''yokel
cf. '''përsonal''' - '''personnél
words in -'''éstle''' rhyme with '''véssel
'''hô'''- '''hotél
cf. '''módel''' - '''mô'''- '''motél
-'''ûle''' rhymes with -'''ûel
''two'' '''dûal''' = ''fight'' '''dûel
''navy'' '''nâval''' = ''stomach'' '''nâvel
cf. '''drízzle''' - '''drível
AmE '''fulfíll''', BrE '''fulfíl
cf. ''parrot'' '''póll''', ''elect'' '''pôll
''part'' '''rôle''' = ''along'' '''rôll
but the suffix is -'''fùl''' - '''fùll
''city'' '''Húll''' = ''boat'' '''húll
''island'' '''Múll''' = ''over'' '''múll'''
''and void'' '''núll
'''yoû’ll''' or '''yoù’ll''' or '''yŏu’ll
.*skoôl '''schoôl
AmE '''enróll''', BrE '''enrôl
cf. '''rôll''' - '''contrôl
-təl '''pístol
'''Såul '''cáterwåul
cf. ''word'' '''fùll''' ''suffix'' -'''fùl
''noun'' '''spoônful
''bird'' '''fòwl''' = ''bad'' '''fòul
''only'' '''sôle''' = ''Korea'' '''Seôul''' = ''spirit'' '''sôul
''all meanings'' '''bôwl
''bird'' '''fòwl
'''y''' as schwa - '''Síbyl
'''y''' as schwa - '''Béryl
''appear'' '''sêem''' = ''thread, coal'' '''sêam
BrE '''h''' silent, '''a''' as schwa, -əm; AmE -'''hám
'''h''' silent, '''g''' not sounded separately '''Búckingham
'''h''' silent, '''g''' not sounded separately '''Bïrmingham
-nəm '''Twíckenham
-nəm '''Chéltenham
.*Tótnəm '''Tóttenham
.*Méppəm '''Méopham
-səm '''Tópsham
-təm '''Stréatham
-təm '''Chátham
-təm '''Éltham
-təm '''Wåltham
unvoiced '''th''' sound '''Bôtham
unvoiced '''th''' sound '''Gótham
.*Rûtəm '''Wrotham
'''Wést Hám
''group'' '''têam''' = ''pour'' '''têem
sounding like -um '''thêorem
-ám '''dîaphragm
.*flém '''phlégm
-îm '''páradigm
'''dénim''' rhymes with '''Blénheim
BrE and AmE -àm '''bàlm
BrE and AmE -àm '''càlm
BrE and AmE -àm '''quàlm
'''tálcum''' rhymes with *Málcum '''Málcolm
''dwell'' '''hôme''' = ''oak, islet'' '''hôlm
cf. '''wörm, wårn''' - '''wårm
pák- '''páchydërm
j- '''gërm
cf. ''heat'' '''wårm''' - ''animal'' '''wörm
.*kázəm '''chásm
-zəm '''spásm
-ízəm; never stressed -'''ísm
shôv- '''chauvinism
-kyûm - '''vácûum
-ûəm '''contínûum
''name'' -'''ným
syû- '''pseûdonym
'''Gŏrdon''' rhymes with '''Jŏrdan
-tion '''crustâcean
'''lôtion''' rhymes with '''ôcean
-ìən '''epicûrêan
-íshən -'''ícian
.*Óstrâlìən in rapid speech ends like '''míllion''' etc., -lyən -
-íshən ''abstract'' -'''ítion'''  = ''person'' -'''ícian
no words end in *-erian
from -'''sia''' + '''n''', = -'''sion''', mostly -zh- -'''sian
-zh- '''Âsian
-zh- '''Caucâsian
-zh- '''Frêsian
AmE -izh-, BrE -ízì- '''Parísian
-shən = -'''tion''' -'''tian
'''nâtion''' rhymes with '''Crôâtian
-bîzh- '''Azerbaijàn
.*Îləv-Mán '''Îsle of Mán
mostly -mən -'''man
-ən '''[[Kofi Annan|Kôfi Ànnan]]'''
''alone'' '''lône''' = ''lend'' '''lôan
''god'' '''Pán''' = ''food'' '''pán
can be stressed in any word depending on speaker -'''stān 
usually second syllable stressed '''Uzbékistan
Tŷ- '''Taiwàn
'''ón''' =''French'' '''en
''letter'' '''én
cf. '''Lòndon''', both -dən - '''Cámden
cf. '''gángrêne''' - '''grêen
dh- '''thén
-mən in most words -'''men
.*sóffən '''sóften
.*fāssən '''fāsten
.*hâyssən '''hâsten
.*líssən '''lísten
.*glíssən '''glísten
''bird'' '''bíttërn ≈ ''bite'' bítten
or prû- '''prôven
-n -'''gn
'''vèin''' rhymes with '''dèign
''would''  '''fâin''' = ''pretend'' '''fèign
''wet'' '''râin'''  = ''monarch'' '''rèign
.*sóvrin '''sóvereign
-lîne '''malîgn
-nîne '''benîgn
''mathematics'' '''sîne''' = ''signal'' '''sîgn
-zîne '''desîgn
-zîne '''resîgn
-sîne '''énsîgn
-pyûne '''impûgn
''pub'' '''ínn''' = ''out'' '''ín
.*əgén; some regularise it to '''agâin''' - '''again
cf. '''germâne''' ''relevant'' = '''Germâine''' ''person'' - '''remâin
''person'' '''Bríton'''  = ''country'' '''Brítain
-tín '''cáptain
[[Elmer Bernstein|''Elmer'' '''Bërnstêin''']]
[[Leonard Bernstein|''Leonard'' '''Bërnsteîn''']]
'''detërmine''' rhymes with '''vërmin
-m -'''mn
''condemn''  '''dám''' = ''water''  '''dámn
''man'' '''hím''' = ''church''  '''hýmn
''out'' '''ín''' = ''pub'' '''ínn
mostly schwa, as are '''Cámden''', '''Màrsden''', '''Hámpden'', '''Hámpton''' -'''on
''university, clothing'' '''dón
cf. '''gàrden''' – '''Gŏrdon
-njən '''dúngeon
-jən '''sürgeon
-jən '''stürgeon
-nchən '''trúncheon
.*kəmêlêən; AmE -mê-; in fast speech -lyən, like '''míllion, Austrâlian''' - '''chamaêlêon
BrE *pólygən, AmE '''pólygón
-yən -'''ion
most words spelt thus in Spanish are -'''tion''' in English -'''cion
-sh- '''suspícion
-sh- '''côërcion
cf. '''percússion''', also -sh- - '''cùshion
'''gálleon''' rhymes with '''stállion
-zhən after vowels; -shən after consonants, including after another '''s''' and, in BrE, after another '''r''': -'''sion
-'''éntion''' -énshən = -'''énsion
ím- '''emíssion
əm- '''omíssion
-sh- '''percússion
mostly -shən –'''tion
vî- '''vibrâtion
mî- '''migrâtion
-kshən -'''ction
BrE can be -'''éxion''' - '''refléction
BrE can be -'''éxion''' - '''connéction
.*sángktchən '''sánction
.*úngktchən '''únction
.*fúngktchən '''fúnction
.*júngktchən '''júnction
.*cəmpúngkshən '''compúnction
= -'''énsion''', -énshən -'''éntion
-'''éxion''' is, except for '''compléxion''', BrE only: other words end in -'''éction''' - '''éxion'''
so AmE, BrE '''refléction''' = BrE only '''refléxion'''
cf. '''conféction''' - *compléction '''compléxion'''
cf. '''convíction''' - '''crucifíxion'''
cf. '''càrton''' - '''cartoôn
''person''  '''Bárron''' = ''lord'' '''báron
''person'' '''Sháron
''person'' AmE '''Sharôn''', BtE '''Sharón
sh- '''chévrón
''boy'' '''sòn
''east'' '''êastern''' BrE = ''person'' '''Êaston
''west'' '''wéstern''' BrE = ''person'' '''Wéston
cf. '''Féatherstone''', etc. '''Ålston
cf. '''Jáckson, Híckson''', etc. '''Díxon
cf. '''wårm''', '''wörm''': ''wear'' '''wŏrn''' = ''person'' '''Wårne''' =  ''warning'' '''wårn
''direction'' '''türn'''  = ''bird'' '''tërn
''persons'' '''Pátten''' = '''Pátton''' = BrE ''arrange'' '''páttern
cf. ''wriggly'' '''wörm''' - ''warning'' '''wårn''' = ''wear'' '''wŏrn
''round'' '''türn
''shine'' '''sún
.*sône ''seed'' '''sewn
.*nôan '''knôwn
after a consonant '''ô''', apart from '''Bòro''' and '''tŵo''', never -ó -'''o
usually *ənkô - '''& cô''', '''and cô
-û '''do
'''Clìo''' = '''Clêo
.*sŷko '''psŷcho
.*Tŷko '''Tŷcho
-shô '''braggadôcio
-ss- '''impresàrio
-shô '''râtio
-shô '''Horâtio
.*Búrə - it means Míddlesbrough, which doesn’t have the '''ò''' - ends in schwa - '''Bòro
cf. '''bûreau''' - '''pólitburo
AmE '''tomâto''' BrE '''tomàto
f- '''phôto
''at'' '''to''' = ''also, many'' '''toô''' = ''2'' '''tŵo
cf. ''noun'' '''énvelôpe''' - ''verb'' '''envélop
''bird'' '''coô''' = ''overthrow'' '''coûp
.*rêcoôp '''recoûp
.*groôp '''groûp
where unstressed, schwa -'''ar
cf. ''drink'' '''bêer''' - ''naked'' '''bãre''' = ''animal, tolerate'' '''béãr
cf. ''risk'' '''dãre''' - ''animal'' '''dêer''' = ''beloved, expensive'' '''dêar
''there'' '''hêre''' = ''ear'' '''hêar
''look'' '''lêer''' = ''person'' '''Lêar
.*nûclêə(r) '''nûclear
'''yêar''' or '''yëar
cf. '''búgger''' - '''béggar
though contemporaries pronounced it ending in schwa - '''[[Edward Elgar|Élgàr]]
sh- '''sùgar
'''buŷer, flŷer''' and '''trîer''' rhyme with '''lîar
'''hóller''' rhymes with '''dóllar
sk- '''schólar
-z- '''quâsàr
''change'' '''ålter''' = ''church'' '''åltar
schwa:  AmE  '''uh'''  = BrE '''er
mostly schwa; stressed -'''ër''' in some words;  some AmE -'''er''' words are -'''re''' in BrE. -'''er
silent '''b''': *clîmer '''clîmber
silent '''b''': *plúmmer '''plúmber
''person'' '''Rŷder''' = ''ride'', ''logic'' '''rîder
''bold'' '''bôlder''' = ''rock'' '''bôulder
'''propagánda''' rhymes with BrE '''gánder
'''Lê'''- '''Leánder
'''mê'''- '''meánder
cf. '''sqùalor''' - '''sqùander
iléc- '''electionêer
cf. ''wither'' '''sêar''', one diphthong, one syllable - *sêeər, two syllables ''see'' '''sêer
hard '''g''' - '''làger
-j- '''mánager
cf. '''béggar''' - '''dágger
.*Nizhãir '''Nigér
hard '''g''' - '''tîger
hard '''g''' pronounced separately: áng-ger '''ánger
.*dânjer '''dânger
'''g''' not pronounced separately from -'''ng'''-; ''aeroplane'' '''hángar''' = ''coat'' '''hánger
.*mânjer '''mânger
.*strânjer '''strânger
.*jínjer '''gínger
hard '''g''' sounded separately: líng-ger '''línger
no '''g''' sound '''sínger
no '''g''' sound '''wínger
hard '''g''' sounded separately *mòng-ger -'''mònger
hard '''g''' sounded separately: *stróng-ger - '''strónger
'''cîpher''' or '''cŷpher
usually voiced '''th''' and schwa -'''ther
''climate'' '''wéather
''BrE far'' '''fàrther''' = ''AmE as well as BrE dad'' '''fàther
cf. AmE '''fàther''' - AmE '''láther''' - '''lāther
cf. AmE '''fàther''' - AmE '''ráther''' - '''rāther
unvoiced '''th''' - '''êther
''if'' '''whéther
for most speakers ''where'' '''whíther''' = ''decay'' '''wíther
one word '''anòther
''person'' '''Crŷer''' = ''cry, town'' '''crîer
silent French '''r''' - '''dóssièr
''cry'' '''têar''' = ''level'' '''tìêr
'''dóllar''' rhymes with '''hóller
''baseball'' '''hômer''' = ''person'' '''Hômer
.*loôzer '''loser
cf. '''áctor''' - k- '''cháracter
cf. BrE '''mêtre''', AmE '''mêter''' distance, rhythm - '''parámeter
.*dåwter '''dåughter
'''āfter''' rhymes with '''lāughter
.*slåwter '''slåughter
''church'' '''åltar''' = ''change'' '''ålter
or -'''or''': '''protéster
.*lácker '''lácquer
AmE '''léver''' - BrE '''lêver
.*hû-éver '''whoéver
.*wót-éver '''whatéver
''arrow, shake'' '''quíver
''art'' '''dråw''' ≈ ''desk'' '''dråwer
cf. '''lãir''' - *lãyə '''lâyer
.*plâyə(r) '''plâyer
.*prãir '''prãyer
.*fŏyây '''fŏyèr
'''låwyer''' rhymes with '''emplŏyer
.*lŏyer låwyer
'''thére''' *thãir rhymes with '''ãir
-vwàr '''réservoir
mostly schwa, as also -'''er''' and -'''our'''; none of the words listed right here have the -'''our''' ending in [[British English]], see -'''our''' for some other [[American English]] -'''or'''  spellings: -'''or
ánk- '''ánchor
''person'' '''Tâylor''' = ''clothes'' '''tâilor
''téar'' '''tŏre''' = ''crag'' '''tŏr
'''[[Selécter]]''' ''band'' = '''seléctor
'''protéster''' is much more common than '''protéstor
.*grándure, BrE *gránjə '''grándeur
on- '''entreprenëur
AmE '''súlfur''' BrE '''súlphur
''we'' '''òur''' = ''time'' '''hòur
AmE '''hàrbor''' BrE *hàrbə '''hàrbour
AmE '''ráncor''' BrE *ráncə '''ráncour
''preposition'' '''fŏr''' = ''4'' '''fŏur
''petal'' '''flòwer''' = ''dough'' '''flòur
AmE '''còlor''' BrE *cúlə '''còlour
cf. '''sqùander''': AmE '''sqùalor'''  BrE *skwólə '''sqùalour
AmE '''glámor''' BrE *glámə '''glámour
AmE '''hûmor''' BrE *hûmə '''hûmour
silent '''h''': AmE '''hónor''' BrE *ónə '''hónour
''téar'' '''tŏre''' = ''hill'' '''tŏr''' = for some speakers ''travel''  '''toûr
'''nón séquitur
-ə(r) -'''yr
.*áz '''ás
.*(h)w(é)əráz '''whereás
.*ház '''hás
.*Cánzus '''Kánsas
-såw '''Årkansås
.*wóz '''ẁas
AmE *ërbs '''hërbs
'''thê'''- '''theátrics
-x '''athlétics
-x '''gymnástics
-x '''logístics
-dz '''fŏrwards
words from Greek, etc: -êz -'''ês
-íz '''édges
-íz '''lódges
-íz '''Hódges
''hew'' '''heŵs''' = ''person'' '''Hûghes
-íz '''râbíes
.*síəríz '''sêríes
-íz AmE '''wörríes''', BrE  '''wòrríes
'''Lós''' = '''lóss''' ''lose''; -íz '''Lós Ángeles
''distance'' '''mîles''' = ''person'' '''Mîles
[[minimal pair]]: cf. '''shékels''' - '''sháckles
[[minimal pair]]: '''êasels''' rhymes with '''mêasles
-z '''Hërculês
-nz '''Bàrnes
'''Jóhn Mâynard Kèynes
'''Mílton Kêynes
.*dúzz '''dòes
.*gôze '''gôes
.*tôze '''tôes
-tôze '''potâtoes
plural of -'''sís''' in Greek-derived words (see [[English irregular nouns]]) -'''sês
cf. '''prîces''' *prîsíz - *crŷsêez '''crîsês
.*loôziz '''loses
-zíz '''hòuses
-ssíz '''spòuses
''leave, leaf'' '''lêaves
''have-nots'' '''háves
''thief'' '''thìêves
-k- '''àrchîves
''plural noun'' '''lîves
''singular verb'' '''líves
''knife'' '''knîves
''wife'' '''wîves
''calf'' '''càlves
''valve'' '''válves
''elf'' '''élves
''delve'' '''délves
''shelf'' '''shélves
''self'' '''sélves
one word, as with following: *òursélvz '''oursélves
.*yŏrsélvz '''yoursélves
.*dhəmsélvz '''themsélves
.*wùlvz '''wolves'''
cf. '''dòves''' - '''drôves
''hoof'' '''hoôves
''scarf'' '''scàrves
.*yéss '''yés
'''hoôves''' rhymes with '''roôfs
-gz '''dógs
''big'' '''sîze''' = ''sigh'' '''sîghs
-āffs '''lāughs
-óffs '''cóughs
.*íz '''ís
.*híz '''hís
plurals, no apostrophes, -íz '''Bangladéshis
-íz '''Bengålis
-íz '''Nepålis
-íz '''Isrâelis
-iz ''semifinals'' '''sémis
-əss '''pênis
-íz '''Sùnnis
-nŏy '''Íllinois
-íss '''Páris
'''Hórace''' and '''Mórris''' = BrE '''Maurice''' rhyme with '''Bóris''' and '''Dóris
'''térrace''' rhymes with '''Férris
rhyming with '''Hórace''', BrE '''Maurice''' = '''Mórris
Greek-derived words in -'''sís''', *síss, have -'''sês''', *sêez, to mark their plurals (see [[English Irregular Nouns]]) '''sýnthesis
-íss '''Dâvis
-íss '''Mâvis
-íss '''Trávis
-íss '''áxis
.*nóx '''knócks
-z '''sélls
-z '''húms
words from Greek: -óss -'''ós
.*kâyós '''châos
''insect'' '''lòuse''' = ''nation'' '''Làos
-dôz '''tornâdos'''
-pss '''hélps
''heart'' '''cŏre''' = ''army'' '''cŏrps
-z '''stàrs
'''lîars, trîers''' and '''buŷers''' rhyme with '''plîers
'''bôres''', BrE '''påuse''', and '''påws''' rhyme with '''dŏors
mostly -íss -'''ess
.*áxéss '''áccéss
'''t''' can be silent in '''lístless
'''t''' can be silent in '''réstless
cf. '''clêan''' - '''cléanliness
cf. '''áccess''' *áxéss - '''asséss
silent '''u''' - '''guéss
-tss '''cáts
'''Yâtes''' = '''Yeâts
''it is'' '''ít’s''' = ''of it'' '''íts
mostly -əss -'''us
-ss '''bús
-oôz '''Híndûs
-kəss '''Bácchus
j-; cf. ''adjective'' '''ingênious''' - ''noun'' '''gênius
j- '''gênus
-yoôz '''ménûs
for adjectives = -'''us''' mostly for nouns: -əss –'''ous
'''cåucus''' rhymes with '''råucous
-dəss - only found in the following five words -'''dous
jép- '''jéopardous
-jəss '''outrâgeous
-jəss '''gŏrgeous
-êsh- '''spêcious
-ésh- '''précious
-ísh- '''vícious
'''relígious''' rhymes with '''sacrilegious
cf. ''noun'' '''gênius''' - ''adjective'' '''ingênious
kyù- '''cùrious
-ísh- '''fictítious
.*ánkshus '''ánxious
ínfə- '''ínfamous
'''ánimus''' cf. '''ûnánimous
cf. '''vërtigo''', hard '''g''' - '''g''' as '''j''' in '''vertíginous
from BrE -our (AmE -or) - -'''orous
díz- '''disàstrous
can also be -'''terous''': '''déxtrous''' and '''ámbidextrous
.*Bélla-Roôse '''Belarûs
cf. '''prósperous''' - '''phósphorus
-z '''jåws
irregular: *séz '''says
regular: *stâze '''stâys
-âze '''sîdeways
never used to form plurals: either a singular possessive or an abbreviation of '''ís''' - ''''s
w-, plural '''ònes''' = possessive '''òne’s
or *híz '''hê’s
or *shíz '''shê’s
''of it'' '''íts''' = ''it is'' '''ít’s
voiced '''th''' - '''thát
''ash'' '''grâte''' = ''big'' '''greât
.*dét '''débt
.*dòut '''dòubt
''touch'' '''afféct
''emotion'' '''áffect
''result'' í- '''efféct
''adjective'' '''përfect
''verb'' '''perféct
''thing'' '''óbject
''disagree'' '''objéct
''matter'' '''súbject
''cruel'' '''subjéct
''verb'' '''rejéct
''noun'' '''rêjéct
.*éxtradîte '''éxtradîct
''person'' '''áddict
''verb'' '''addíct
.*indîte '''indîct
''person'' '''cónvict
''verb'' '''convíct
mostly -ít (-ət in Australasian English), but some have French -ây -'''et
BrE '''Hërbert''' rhymes with '''shërbet
'''t''' sounded ''hit'' '''búffet
.*bùffây ''food'' '''bùffèt
.*crôshây '''crôchet
-lây '''chálèt
cf. -'''létte''' - *boòklít; these words are -lət in Australasian English - '''boòklet
.*bállây '''bállèt
AmE all stressed on medial '''û''': -'''ûplet'''; BrE medial '''u''' as [[schwa]]: '''qùadruplet, quíntuplet, séxtuplet, séptuplet, óctuplet
-rây '''bérèt
'''å''' - '''quartét
-kây '''crôquèt
-kây '''sóbriquèt
BrE *pàhkây, AmE *parkây '''pàrquèt
.*boô-kây '''bouquèt
'''míffed''' rhymes with '''ríft
.*yót '''yacht
mostly silent '''gh''' -'''ght
cf. '''sleîght-of-hánd''' - ''little'' '''slîght
''person'' '''Wrîght''' = ''correct, left'' '''rîght'''  = maker -'''wrîght
.*plâywrîte '''plâywrîght
''should''  '''ŏught''' = ''any'' '''åught
'''drāft''' = '''drāught
''any'' '''åught''' = ''should'' '''ŏught
-'''ate''' rhymes with -'''âit
''breath'' '''bâte''' = ''catch'' '''bâit
''door'' '''gâte''' = ''walk'' '''gâit
''heavy'' '''wèight''' = ''linger'' '''wâit
-kít '''cïrcuit
-skít '''bíscuit
-roôt '''recrûit
.*froòt '''frûit
cf. '''soòt''' - *sût or *syût '''sûit
-syoôt '''pursûit
K- '''Célt
n- '''knélt
.*bílt '''buílt
only word ending in -'''mt''' (cf. '''prómpt''') - '''dréamt
''AmE cannot'' '''cán’t''' = ''philosopher'' '''Kánt''' = ''words'' '''cánt
''adjective'' '''depéndent''' = ''person'' '''depéndant
BrE *pànshàn, AmE '''pénchant
cf. '''próminent''' - '''dóminant
''now'' cúrrent = ''eat'' cúrrant
''send'' '''sént''' =  ''money'' '''cént
.*áxent '''áccent
áxi- '''áccident
óxi- '''óccident
''person'' '''depéndant''' = ''adjective'' '''depéndent
j- ''man'' (abbreviation of '''géntleman''') '''gént
hard '''G'''-  ''Belgium'' '''Ghént
''Christian'' '''Lént''' = ''lend'' '''lént
cf. ''mean'' '''méant''' - ''suffix'' -'''ment
AmE´'''ádvertîsement''', BrE -tíssm- '''advërtísement
cf. '''dóminant''' - '''próminent
''eat'' '''cúrrant''' = ''now'' '''cúrrent
''money'' '''cént''' = ''send'' '''sént
''verb'' '''discòunt
''noun'' '''díscount
vîc- '''vîscount
.*éscàr-gô '''escargôt
'''Màrgo''' = '''Màrgôt
''no'' '''nót''' = ''tie'' '''knót
'''árrow''' rhymes with '''tárôt
''gold'' ''cárat'' = ''eat'' '''cárrot
''noun'' '''éxcërpt
íx- ''verb'' '''excërpt
''noun'' '''ímport
''verb'' '''impŏrt
''verb'' '''consŏrt
cf. '''cóncert''' - ''noun'' '''cónsŏrt
''person'' '''Kürt''' = ''terse'' '''cürt
'''stréssed''' rhymes with -'''est
.*hŷíst '''hîghest
.*drŷíst '''drîest
.*fáshist '''fáscist
sôshə- '''sôcialist
K- '''Chrîst
-k- '''Gílchríst
''dusty'' '''dúst''' = ''archaic do'' '''dòst
'''cürsed''' rhymes with '''bürst
more common in family names like '''Péttitt''' and '''Sénnett''' (= '''sénate''' ''house'') than in ordinary words: -'''tt
''head'' '''bútt
cóz- '''cósmonaut
''however'' '''bút
.*impùt '''ínput
'''séxed''' rhymes with '''néxt
.*cùdənt '''coùldn’t
.*shùdənt '''shoùldn’t
.*wùdənt '''woùldn’t
''habit'' '''wônt''' = ''will'' '''wôn’t
.*házzənt '''hásn’t
.*wózzənt '''ẁasn’t
.*dúzzənt '''dòesn’t
.*ízzənt '''ísn’t
.*åwtənt '''ŏughtn’t
.*mússənt '''mústn’t
.*mîtənt '''mìghtn’t
.*táblô '''tábleau
.*byoôrô '''bûreau
.*troôssô '''troûsseau
.*pláttô '''pláteau
silent '''u''' in '''Guinea'''; -ssòw '''Guínea Bíssàù'''
''chimney'' '''flûe''' = ''illness'' '''flû
.*êemyoô '''êmû
-óff '''Gorbachev
-nyéff '''Brézhnev
along with many other such Slavonic names, -'''ov''' as -óff (such words were once spelt -off) '''Chékhov
-óff '''Mólotov
''animal'' '''påw
''see, wood'' '''såw
''little'' '''feŵ''' = ''relief'' '''pheŵ
''therefore'' '''sô''' =  ''needle'' '''sew
''me'' '''yoû'''  = ''sheep''  '''eŵe''' = ''tree''  '''yeŵ
''London'' '''Bôw''' = ''ribbon'' '''bôw
''incline'' '''bòw
(some say -'''òw''') '''Móscôw
''negative'' '''nô''' = ''knowledge'' '''knôw
''line'' '''rôw
''argue'' '''ròw
''needle'' '''sew''' = ''seeds'' '''sôw
''pig'' '''sòw
''foot'' '''tôe''' = ''pull'' '''tôw
''data'' '''fácts''' = ''machine'' '''fáx
''hasn’t'' '''lácks''' = ''careless'' '''láx
''dúst'' '''flécks'''  = ''cord'' '''fléx
''high'' '''jínks''' = ''curse'' '''jínx
''person'' '''Cóx''' = ''boat'' '''cóx
''plural'' -lôz '''tábleaux
''plural'' -rôz '''bûreaux
after a consonant, mostly -'''ỳ'''
as a suffix, may be pronounced -dỳ in days of the week such as '''Mònday''', but normally: '''dây
''doom'' '''doômsday''' = ''Book'' '''Domesday
''elf'' '''fèy''' = ''person'' '''Fây
''verb'' '''mây''' = ''month'' '''Mây
.*Línzy '''Líndsay
cf. place names in -'''aî''' - *Páragwŷ '''Páraguaŷ
.*Yûrəgwŷ '''Ûruguaŷ
''weight'' '''wèigh''' = ''how'' '''wây
verb is two words '''breâkaway
verb is two words '''rúnaway
verb is two words '''gétaway
''cricket, farewell'' '''bŷe''' = ''2'' '''bî'''- = ''preposition'' '''bŷ
'''cábbie''' and words in -'''ábby''' rhyme with '''Gáby
''abbot'' '''ábbey''' = ''persons'' '''Àbbey''' = '''Ábby
''sight'' '''sêe''' = -'''sỳ''' = -'''cỳ
cf. '''hypócrisy''' - '''thêócracy'''
cf. '''hypócrisy''' - '''demócracy'''
.*byurócracy '''bureaucracy
cf. ''verb'' '''próphesŷ''' - ''noun'' '''próphecỳ
''person'' '''Náncy
''France'' '''Nàncy
''persons'' '''Àbbey''' = '''Ábby''' = ''abbot'' '''ábbey
''person'' '''Fây''' = ''whimsy'' '''fèy
'''Hárringây''' = '''Háringèy'''
cf. '''lúcky''', '''tácky''' - '''láckêy
'''fólly''' rhymes with '''vólley
''cart''  '''drây''' =  ''nest, cart'' '''drèy
AmE ''all meanings'' '''stŏry''' = BrE ''floor''  '''stŏrey'''
'''ósprêy''' or '''ósprèy
-zy '''Jërsêy
cf. '''invèigh''', final syllable rhymes - '''convèy
-jy '''strátegy
-njỳ -'''ngy
-jy '''mângy
-jy '''díngy
-ləjỳ -'''logy
jêó- '''geólogy
sôsh- '''sociólogy
-jy '''astrólogỳ
-jy '''énergy
-jy '''sýnergy
-jy '''líturgy
.*díng-y '''dínghy
.*dôwy '''dôughy
jó- '''geógraphy
cf. '''catástrophê''', '''apóstrophê''' - '''trôphy
voiced '''th''', cf. '''thîgh''', unvoiced, same vowel sound: '''thŷ
cf. '''jóckey''' - '''lúcky
nó- '''knóbbly
''dumb'' *dúmly '''dúmbly
''crumble'' '''crúmbly
cf. '''bâsically''' - '''públicly
two '''l'''s pronounced - '''sôlely
-z- '''êasily
cf,'''állêy''' - '''állŷ
cf. '''públicly''' - '''económically
''mostly female'' '''Bíllie''' = ''either'' '''Bílly
two '''l'''’s pronounced '''shrílly
[[minimal pair]]: '''vólley''' rhymes with '''fólly
two '''l'''’s pronounced '''whôlly
two '''l'''’s pronounced '''coôlly
two '''l'''’s pronounced '''dúlly
cf. '''Béntley''' - AmE '''evidéntly''', BrE '''évidently
'''gá'''- '''gastrónomy
cf. '''epítomê''' - '''hysteréctomy
.*énny '''any
.*ménny '''many
cf. ''tin'' '''tínny''' - ''small'' '''tîny
'''Jénnie''' = '''Jénny
'''Lénnie''' = '''Lénny
'''Pénny''' = '''pénny
'''Jóhnnie''' = '''Jóhnny
BrE '''o''' as schwa, AmE -'''môny
BrE *hígémony (hard '''g'''), AmE *héjəmôny '''hegemony
AmE, when stressed syllable does not come immediately before it, -'''ãry''' or -éry, cf. -'''ery'''; BrE '''a''' as AmE or as schwa or silent; see also -'''ory''' - -'''ary
-shəry '''judíciary
''paper'' '''stâtionery''' = ''stop''  '''stâtionary'''
.*lîbry, *lîbəry - though some pronounce both '''r'''s: '''lîbrary'''
BrE *Jányəry, AmE *Jányûãry, '''Jánuary
BrE *Fébry, *Fébyəry, AmE *Fébyûãry, though some pronounce both '''r'''s - '''Fébruary
'''gímmickry''' rhymes with '''mímicry
mostly '''e''' as schwa: can sound like -'''ry''' in BrE: -'''ery
sh- '''chicânery
''stop''  '''stâtionary''' = ''paper'' '''stâtionery
míz- '''mísery
'''cürsory''' rhymes with '''nürsery
'''mímicry''' rhymes with '''gímmickry
'''nürsery''' rhymes with '''cürsory
usually pronounced -trỳ in BrE, '''ŏ''' pronounced in AmE: -'''tory
AmE '''láboratŏry, BrE '''labóratory
''person'' '''Cárrie''' = ''fetch'' '''cárry
''earth'' '''burỳ''' = ''fruit'' '''bérry
AmE -'''bérry''', BrE -brêe '''bláckberry
AmE rázb-, BrE ràzb- '''rāspberry
AmE '''wörry''', BrE '''wòrry
ké- '''chémistry
''fruit'' '''bérrỳ''' = ''earth'' '''bury
mostly = -'''cỳ''' -'''sỳ
-zêe '''êasy
-sêe '''grêasy
-zêe '''quêasy
like '''demócracy, thêócracy''' all -ssy '''idiosýncrasy
-sêe '''écstasy
-zêe '''chêesy
cf. ''noun'' '''próphecỳ''' -sêe - ''verb'' '''próphesŷ
-sêe '''héresy'''
'''demócracy''' and '''thêócracy''' rhyme with '''hypócrisy
-sêe '''émbassy
-sêe '''fússy
'''dízzy''' rhymes with *bízzy '''busy
-sêe '''jéalousy
-zêe '''Sûzy''' = '''Sûsie''' = '''Sûzie''' = '''Sûsy
-rity '''entîrety
cf. '''spécialty''' - '''speciálity
cf. '''speciálity''' - '''spécialty
silent '''h''' - '''hónesty
''goodbye, cricket'' '''bŷe''' = ''preposition'' '''bŷ''' = ''money'' '''buŷ
cf. '''lévêe, Lêvî''' - '''Lêvy
'''whízz''' or '''whíz'''
''cat'' '''cáts''' =  '''Kátz''' 
''get'' '''géts''' = [[Stan Getz|''Stan'' '''Gétz''']] 
-ts [[kibbutz|'''kibbùtz]]
[[Strait of Hormuz|'''Strâit of Hormùz]]

==Double letters==
==Double letters==

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Apostrophe

The letter links above lead to alphabetically arranged selections of commonly misspelt and/or mispronounced words, alongside some regular ones for contrast; in addition, the present page features a 'retroalphabetical' list (see Contents) with words arranged alphabetically by their final letters

English is famous, even notorious, for its varied spellings. This can be seen at its most extravagant in the field of proper names, as, for example, simply adding an 'h' to 'Maria' to make it rhyme with 'pariah', or calling oneself 'Cholmondeley Featherstonehaugh', pronounced 'Chumley Fanshaw'. On a more prosaic level, however, there are dangers. An example of a common misspelling is 'disasterous' for 'disastrous', retaining the 'e' of 'disaster'. And conversely, words may not turn out to have the pronunciation they appear to have: 'do' and 'to' you might expect to rhyme with 'go' and 'no', while 'seismic', instead of being 'seezmic' or 'sayzmic' or even 'sayizmic' is in fact 'size-mic'. These lists are devoted to these things.

A few notes on how to read them: linguists conventionally signal an incorrect spelling by putting an asterisk before it, like *thiss, and here we also include accent marks to show stress and pronunciation, thús. A table of these (which are not part of the language[1]) can be found at the end of this article; there is also an IPA key at English phonemes. Where there is more than one accent, the first is stressed, and the same is true after a hyphen, so in the respelling *Chŷ-kóffsky, it is 'kóff' that has the main stress. A sentence from the preceding paragraph can thus be rewritten as follows: An example of a common misspelling is *disāsterous for disāstrous, retaining the e of disāster.

Particular attention is given to homophones, words with the same pronunciation but different meanings. English is rich in homophones, many of which are also homonyms, having also the same spelling, as, for example, cán able, tin; while homographs are words with the same spelling whose meanings are distinguished by different pronunciations. Examples of all these are grouped together here.

Also of special note are words that many writers incorrectly divide. ôver and dûe, for example, combine to form overdûe, without a space in the middle. Such examples are included with ‘one word’ alongside them: alongsîde one word.

An equals sign = is placed between homophones (in some cases the approximately equals sign ≈ is more appropriate). Homographs and other similar-looking words are included after 'cf.' (from Latin conferre, 'compare').

Some words from other languages, in most cases French, may appear in English with accents from those languages. Such spellings are shown using bold italics: touchè may be written with a French accent: touché *tooshây.

The apostrophe is an important part of spelling and so it is treated as a letter, with its own place at the end of the alphabet.

Fragments of words are in bold when correctly spelt: Ukrâine has -âine, not -âne.

Words in italics are used to suggest meanings, in the case of similar words. Words beginning with an initial capital may have no word in italics following, or the word person (or persons after more than one): these are names of people, either personal or family; and of course they can also have other uses, such as commercial or place names. Such words are included because they often contrast with the spellings of homophones: for example a bank clerk might be named Clàrk or Clàrke, but most probably not 'Clerk' (which is pronounced identically in BrE). Personal names are, of course, a matter for individuals, and the fact that one is more likely to meet a person, most probably male, called Maurice Mórris than one called Mórris Maurice, both words and hence both names being pronounced the same in BrE (Maurìce in AmE), is about as relevant as the fact that one is unlikely to meet a person called either.


Retroalphabetical list

For the conventionally alphabetical list, see the links at the top of the page

This list is in alphabetical order beginning with the final letter of the word and continuing backwards through it. The headword is on the right. In this way, suffixes and other word endings can be seen grouped together, just as prefixes can be seen in normal alphabetical order. So, instead of ádd båll coúsin, we have réplicA fláB plástiC; and so for mûsiC, see under -c, for mûsicaL, see under -l, for pàrticlE, see under -e, and so on.

Some suffixes are included separately with their pronunciation applying or not to following words.

Throughout, the apostrophe is treated as the last letter, after z. For clarity, italic association words are to the left of the example word:

woman mâid = make mâde

Double letters

The following alphabetical table shows examples of how letters can be doubled in English.

Double letters before suffixes are used to preserve short vowel sounds as in flípped (not *flîped), rebélled (not *rebêled) and pégged (not *pêged, which would if regular in any case be pronounced *pêjed). Compare scrâped, past of scrâpe, and scrápped, from scráp. In the case of t, doubling it after an unstressed vowel and before a suffix may seem unnecessary, but in some cases it can be doubled before -ed: either tàrgeted or tàrgetted.

The sign # indicates a double letter that is rare in that position; capital-letter words indicate that the double letter in this position is only found in names. An asterisk (*) indicates a respelling to show pronunciation and an equals sign (=) introduces a homophone.

letter initial medial final final + silent e
a àardvark #[2] Transvàal # bàa #
b ríbbon ébb # Crábbe
c sóccer (*sócker), accépt (*əxépt)
d hídden ádd
e êel bêen sêe
f éffort clíff Clíffe
g aggréssion égg # Légge (= lég)
h hítchhike # (accidental)
i skìíng # Hawàìi #
j hàjj # (also spelt hàdj)
k púkka #[3]
l llàma # fílling wéll bélle
m súmmer Crámm grámme
n dínner ínn # pub Ánne (= Ánn)
o oôze, oòmph # foôd, foòt, flòod, BrE doŏr toô Loôe (= loô)
p flípped
q Sadìqqi #
r érror pürr
s méssy lóss crevásse
t bétter ẁatt couchétte -sh-
u vácuum # (*vákyoôm)
v flívver #
x Éxxon ™ # Bób B. Sóxx #
y Khayyàm #
z fízzy búzz

Table of accents

These accents are intended to show the pronunciation while retaining the spelling: they are not part of the language. Those on i and y show the same sound; similarly with u, oo and w. Accented vowels are stressed ( is normally unstressed, as in háppy). ā, not in the table, means that the sound is à in British English and á in American.

Front vowels Back vowels
e i y[4] a o u oo w[5]
The typical short sound: pét pít crýpt cát dóg[6] nút
The typical long sound, corresponding to the names of the letters A, E, I, O and U: sêe nîce nâme nôse tûne toô neŵ
The 'third' sound (- and - indicate the ó sound of the following a, ẁad rhyming with qùad; òu and òw are diphthongs sounding like àù in àùtobahn: nòw has this sòund): èight machìne quaỳ water = keỳ (kêy) lock àre òther fùll, qùantity foòt ẁant[7]
The ër sound, as in ër, Î dôn’t thínk sô: përson bïrd mÿrtle wörd pürr
The ŏr sound, as in thís ŏr thát (also used for cŏin and jŏy): såw mŏre (for some BrE speakers) sůre
The ãir sound, as in frésh ãir: (thére) stãre
Irregular (with respelling): sęw (ô) merįngue (á) becąuse (ó) wǫman (ù) bųsiness (í)

Example sentences

Words without accents have the schwa sound, a neutral grunt.

The usual short sound:

The gínger cát was jéalous of the bláck cát: howéver, the tábby was a véry dífferent mátter - the stúff of réveries, ín fáct.

The usual long sound:

Sây mŷ nâme thrêe tîmes with stŷle and Î’ll gô and fînd a tûne to plây for yoû.

The third sound:

Christìna Grèy shoùld lòve her mòther and fàther (and dòes).

The ‘ër’ sound:

But fïrst, Mÿrtle, fürther dïrty, ïrksome and distürbing wörk for the nürses.

The ‘ŏr’ sound (sůre here is with British pronunciation = Shåw):

Sůre yoû ŏught to cråwl ón åll fŏurs, m’lŏrd?

Irregular, with respelling:

Many women? Any woman! (pronounced: *Ménny *wímmin? *Énny *wùman!)


  1. Different accents, mostly from French, are sometimes used, however; see French words in English. Also, some Hawaiian words have accents.[1]
  2. àardvark and Transvàal are from Afrikàans, itself a further example.
  3. Also accidental in boòkkeeper, with a pause to indicate both k’s are pronounced.
  4. When not accented, y is usually the semi-consonant of yoû and yés.
  5. When not accented, w is usually the semi-consonant of and wíll.
  6. In American English this short British sound is replaced by the longer à in most positions, and by ŏ before r.
  7. Grave accents on w and on a u following a q indicate the sound of the following a: à in American English, but in British the extra sound ó as in the British pronunciation of hót.