Talk:The Fame

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 Definition The debut album of pop singer Lady Gaga. [d] [e]
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Trying to do a related article

The parent article I think is Lady Gaga, this is an article about one of LG's albums, so this is a daughter article? So, how do i do the "related articles" thingie? New material essentially but I used (some) info from WP but rewrote it substantially; most of the sources and content are new.--Thomas Wright Sulcer 02:54, 28 February 2010 (UTC)

So where is the "Related articles" subpage for this article "The Fame"?

Don't see the "Related articles" subpage here, but if I find it, I'll add Lady Gaga as the parent article perhaps, is that how it works.--Thomas Wright Sulcer 03:03, 28 February 2010 (UTC)

It comes up once the article is set up with {{subpages}} (I will do this now — you can follow my edits), though you could start it directly at The Fame/Related Articles. --Daniel Mietchen 03:07, 28 February 2010 (UTC)
Here is the edit sequence. --Daniel Mietchen 03:14, 28 February 2010 (UTC)