DBpedia/Related Articles
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DBpedia: Semantic Web project that has parsed and made available the contents of Wikipedia as RDF over HTTP and SPARQL. [e]
This article contains just a definition and optionally other subpages (such as a list of related articles), but no metadata. Create the metadata page if you want to expand this into a full article.
Parent topics
- Semantic Web [r]: Tim Berners-Lee's concept of a "web of knowledge", whereby web-based document contents would be annotated and classified so that computers can parse the classifications and provide search results based on the semantic information (what the content means), rather than simply on matching of text strings. [e]
- Freebase [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Resource Description Framework [r]: W3C standard for exchange of metadata about Web resources. [e]
- SPARQL [r]: Add brief definition or description