Lloyd David Brown/Bibliography

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Themes in Brown’s research and consulting include organization development (especially for civil society organizations), action research, conflict management and intersectoral cooperation, and transnational civil society advocacy and accountability.
Organization development
• Friedlander, F. & L.D. Brown, Organization Development, Annual Review of Psychology, 25, l974, 313-341.
• Alderfer, C.P. & L.D. Brown, Learning from Changing: Organizational Diagnosis and Development, Beverly Hills, CA; Sage Publications, 1975.
• Brown, L.D. Planned Change in Underorganized Systems, in T.G. Cummings, Systems Theory for Organization Development, London: Wiley, 1980, 181-203.
• Tandon, R. & L.D. Brown, Organization Building for Rural Development: An Experiment in India, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 17, 1981, 172-189.
• Brown, L.D. & J.G. Covey, Development Organizations and Organization Development: Implications for a New Paradigm, in W. Pasmore and R. Woodman, Research in Organization Change and Development, Vol. I, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1987, 57-87.
• Brown, L.D., M. Leach, & J.G. Covey, Organization Development for Social Change, in T. G. Cummings (Ed.) Handbook of Organization Development, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008, 593-614.
Action Research
• Brown, L.D., Research Action: Organizational Feedback, Understanding and Change, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 8, l972, 697-711.
• Brown, L.D., & R. Tandon, Ideology and Political Economy in Inquiry: Action Research and Participatory Research, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 19:3, 1983, 277-294.
• Brown, L.D., People-Centered Development and Participatory Research, Harvard Educational Review, 55, 1985, 69-75.
• Brown, L.D., G. Bammer, S. Batliwala, and F. Kunreuther. Framing Practice-Research Engagement for Democratizing Knowledge, 2003, Action Research, 1:1, 85-102.
• Brown, L.D. & J. Gaventa, Constructing Transnational Action Research Networks: Reflections on the Citizenship Development Research Centre. Action Research, 2010. 8:1, 5-28.
Civil Society Development
• Brown, L.D., Bridging Organizations and Sustainable Development, Human Relations, 44:8, 1991, 807-831.
• Brown, L.D. & A. Kalegaonkar, Support Organizations and the Evolution of the NGO Sector. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 31:2, 2002, 231-258.
• Alvord, S., Brown, L.D. & Letts, C. Social Entrepreneurship and Social Transformation. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 2004, 40:3, 260-282.
• Tandon R. & L. D. Brown, Eruptions, Initiatives and Evolution in Citizen Activism: Civil Societies at Crossroads, London: Routledge, 2014.
Conflict Management and Intersectoral cooperation
• Brown, L.D., Can "Haves" and "Have-nots" Cooperate? Two Efforts to Bridge a Social Gap, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 13, 1977, 211-224.
• Brown, L.D., Managing Conflict at Organizational Interfaces, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1983.
• Brown, L.D. & L.B. Detterman, Small Interventions for Large Problems: Reshaping Urban Leadership Networks, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 23, 1987, 151-168.
• Brown, L.D. & D. Ashman, Participation, Social Capital and Intersectoral Problem-Solving: African and Asian Cases, World Development, 24: 9, 1996, 1467-1479.
• Brown, L.D., Khagram, S, Moore, M.H., & Frumkin, P. Globalization, NGOs, and Multi-Sectoral Relations, J.S. Nye & J.D. Donohue, Governance in a Globalizing World, Washington: Brookings Institution, 2000, 271-296.
• Brown, L.D., Bridge-Building for Social Transformation, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter, 2015, pp. 34-39.
Advocacy and accountability
• Fox, J. & L.D. Brown (editors), The Struggle for Accountability: NGOs, Social Movements and the World Bank. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998.
• Brown, L.D. & M.H. Moore, Accountability, Strategy, and International NGOs, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 30:3, 2001, 569-587.
• Brown L.D., Multiparty Social Action and Mutual Accountability, in A. Ebrahim & E. Weisband. Global Accountabilities. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2007, 89-111.
• Brown, L. D., Creating Credibility: Legitimacy and Accountability for Transnational Civil Society, Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press, 2008.
• Brown, L.D., A. Ebrahim & S. Batliwala, Governing International Advocacy Organizations, World Development, 2012, 40:6, 1098-1108.