Michael Cox

Michael Cox [r]: Associate Fellow, Americas, Chatham House: Transatlantic relations after 9/11, 21st Century security threats, American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era; Chair of European Consortium for Political Research; Visiting Professor, Centre of Defence and Strategic Studies (Canberra); Editor, International Politics; Professor of International Relations and Co-Director of the Centre for Cold War Studies, London School of Economics; Executive Committee of the European Consortium of Political Research; Visiting Professor Catholic University (Milan); Senior Fellow at the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Oslo; Editor, International Relations; Director of the David Davies Memorial Institute; Visiting Professor CERIS, Free University of Brussels; Member of the Executive, British International Studies Association; Professor in International Politics, University of Wales at Aberystwyth; Editor, Irish Studies in International Affairs;Member of the Irish National Committee for the Study of International Affairs (Royal Irish Academy) [e]