Talk:Cheek augmentation

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 Definition A cosmetic surgery procedure intended to pronounce the cheekbones in a person's face. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Health Sciences [Editors asked to check categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

Changing the stub to be more accurate. Initially it read that prominent cheekbones are a universal sign of beauty-that is only true in western cultures. I changed it and gave opposite example, in Korea. Te next change:"People who want more prominent cheekbones can have an implant placed to rest on top of their cheekbones". The cheekbone is the zygoma and the phrase "on top", though sounding so innocuous has a lot of technical considerations. I am trying to make that clear. Nancy Sculerati MD 09:35, 3 March 2007 (CST)

Running list of references

Price EA. Schueler H. Perper JA. Massive systemic silicone embolism: a case report and review of literature. [Review] [17 refs] [Case Reports. Journal Article. Review] American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology. 27(2):97-102, 2006 Jun. UI: 16738424 (includes brief review of history of liquid silicone injections.)

Narins RS. Beer K. Liquid injectable silicone: a review of its history, immunology, technical considerations, complications, and potential. [Review] [44 refs] [Journal Article. Review] Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 118(3 Suppl):77S-84S, 2006 Sep. UI: 16936547