Talk:Italian cuisine

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I actually don't know, Hayford. That paragraph existed as a note at the catalog page, so I copied it here. Aleta Curry 14:57, 18 December 2007 (CST)

While both dessert & dolce are used to describe the sweet course at the end of a meal, I would argue that dessert is probably used more often as dolce has some ambiguity: a biscotto or a gelato are dolci but not necessarily dessert. Dolce also means soft or mild. Hayford had me questioning my Italian at one point there, but my dictionaries are quite clear on the fact that dessert is the Italian word. A google advanced search on dessert yields 860,000 Italian language pages while dolce yields 649,000 Italian pages, most of which are not about sweets or dessert. Dolci, the plural, yields 608,000 Italian pages, the majority, at least judging by first page results, deal with sweets. So we need to mention both words in the article & not just dolce.
Perhaps more important is my omission of the extremely common cheese and fruit course at the end of a meal. We always had cheese and fruit at home, but dessert was only on Sundays. I will leave to you wordsmiths to fix this as work keeps on interefering with my life at this time. Luigi Zanasi 00:26, 21 December 2007 (CST)