Talk:White hole

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 Definition The theoretical twin of a black hole. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Physics [Categories OK]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Note to contributors

I have posted this information at the request of User:Y.I. Pachankis because the information is legitimate and interesting. Since Y.I. Pachankis participated in research about this topic, he may not himself directly edit the article in keeping with the Citizendium policy on CZ:Policy on Self-Promotion. But he may request changes on this page or from another contributor. Pat Palmer (talk) 09:07, 28 July 2023 (CDT)

I have reverted the edits User:Y.I. Pachankis made today and installed a sandbox version of the article for Y.I. to work on. He may notify another contributor when he thinks it's ready and we can then decide whether to use the material or not. Pat Palmer (talk) 09:35, 30 July 2023 (CDT)
In the meantime, I have asked User:Mark Widmer, a physicist, to review Y.I.'s sandboxed suggested edits to this article and install them if they pass muster. He has said he will do so. Pat Palmer (talk) 10:07, 30 July 2023 (CDT)