The metadata subpage is missing. You can start it via filling in this form or by following the instructions that come up after clicking on the [show] link to the right.
Do you see this on PREVIEW? then SAVE! before following a link.
A - For a New Cluster use the following directions
Subpages format requires a metadata page.
Using the following instructions will complete the process of creating this article's subpages.
- Click the blue "metadata template" link below to create the page.
- On the edit page that appears paste in the article's title across from "
pagename = ".
- You might also fill out the checklist part of the form. Ignore the rest.
- For background, see Using the Subpages template Don't worry--you'll get the hang of it right away.
- Remember to hit Save!
the "metadata template".
However, you can create articles without subpages. Just delete the {{subpages}} template from the top of this page and this prompt will disappear. :) Don't feel obligated to use subpages, it's more important that you write sentences, which you can always do without writing fancy code.
B - For a Cluster Move use the following directions
The metadata template should be moved to the new name as the first step. Please revert this move and start by using the Move Cluster link at the top left of the talk page.
The name prior to this move can be found at the following link.
//Sourse that draws figure
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DB double
#include <complex.h>
#define z_type complex<double>
#define Re(x) x.real()
#define Im(x) x.imag()
#define I z_type(0.,1.)
void ado(FILE *O, int X, int Y)
{ fprintf(O,"%c!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n",'%');
fprintf(O,"%c%cBoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n",'%','%',X,Y);
fprintf(O,"/M {moveto} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/L {lineto} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/S {stroke} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/s {show newpath} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/C {closepath} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/F {fill} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/o {.6 0 360 arc C F} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/O { 2 0 360 arc C S} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/times-Roman findfont 6 scalefont setfont\n");
fprintf(O,"/W {setlinewidth} bind def\n");
fprintf(O,"/RGB {setrgbcolor} bind def\n");}
z_type lob(DB LB) { int n; z_type s0,s1; s1=z_type(1.,1.); s0=s1;
{ s1=log(s1)/LB; if( abs(s0-s1) < 1.e-14) break;
s0=s1; }
return s1;
#define DO(x,y) for(x=0;x<y;x++)
main(int nar, char*ar[] ){
printf("%s , TetrationTarameters Copyleft 2008 by Dmitrii Kouznetsov\n",ar[0]);
printf("output: TetrationParameters.eps\n");
FILE *o; o=fopen("TetrationParameters.eps","w"); ado(o,260,140);
fprintf(o,"10 40 translate\n");
#define M(x,y) fprintf(o,"%5.2f %5.2f M\n",100.*(x),10.*(y));
#define L(x,y) fprintf(o,"%5.2f %5.2f L\n",100.*(x),10.*(y));
#define o(x,y) fprintf(o,"%5.2f %5.2f o\n",100.*(x),10.*(y));
M(0,-3)L(0,7) //M(0,0)L(2.1,0)
fprintf(o,".2 W S\n");
int n; DB x,y,t;
for(n=0;n<7;n++){M(0,n)L(2.4,n)} fprintf(o,".06 W S\n");
for(n=0;n<7;n++){M(-.04,n-.18) fprintf(o,"(%1d)s\n",n);}
M(-.09,M_E-.16) fprintf(o,"(e)s\n");
M(1./M_E, -1.6)L(1./M_E, 9)
M(log(2.), -.9)L(log(2.), 6)
M(log(10.), -1.8)L(log(10.), 6)
fprintf(o,".06 W S\n");
for(n=2;n<23;n+=2){x=.1*n;M(x-.04,-.6) fprintf(o,"(%3.1f)s\n",x);}
M(log(2.)/2-.099, -2.7) fprintf(o,"(ln[2]/2)s\n");
M(1./M_E -.024 , -1.9) fprintf(o,"(1/e)s\n");
M(log(2.) -.05, -1.) fprintf(o,"(ln[2])s\n");
M(log(10.) -.03,-2) fprintf(o,"(ln[10])s\n");
fprintf(o,"0 0 0 RGB \n"); // eigenvalues
DO(n,45) {t=.001+.05*n; x=t/exp(t); y=exp(t); if(n==0)M(x,y) else L(x,y) }
fprintf(o,".2 W S\n"); // eigenvalues
fprintf(o,"0 .9 0 RGB \n"); //grow rate
DO(n,50) { t=.01+.001*n*exp(.1*n); x=t/exp(t); y=-2.*log(t); if(n==0)M(x,y) else L(x,y);}
fprintf(o,".8 W S\n"); // grow rate
fprintf(o,"0 0 1 RGB \n"); // period, growth
DO(n,50) { t=.0001+.0008*n*(1+.5*n)/(1+.02*n); x=t/exp(t); y=2.*M_PI/log(t); o(x,-y);}
fprintf(o,"1 0 0 RGB \n"); // period, decay
DO(n,33) { t=2.+.05*n*exp(.1*n); x=t/exp(t); y=2.*M_PI/log(t); o(x,y);}
///////////////////////COMPLEX BEGIN//////////////////////////
DB L; z_type LB,Lb,q;
//real part
for(n=2;n<209;n+=4) {x=1./M_E+0.01*n; Lb=lob(x); y=Re(Lb); L(x,y)
//printf("%6.3f %6.3f\n",x,y);
fprintf(o,".3 W 0 0 0 RGB S\n");
for(n=58;n>0;n--) {x=1./M_E+0.002*n*n/(1+.04*n); Lb=lob(x);
// printf("%2d \n",n);
if(n/2*2==n) M(x,y) else L(x,y) }
for(n=2;n<58;n+=1) {x=1./M_E+0.002*n*n/(1+.04*n); Lb=lob(x);
y=-Im(Lb); if(n/2*2==n) M(x,y) else L(x,y) }
for(n=0;n<10;n+=2){ x=.1/M_E*n; M(x,0)
x=.1/M_E*(n+1); L(x,0)}
fprintf(o,".5 W S\n");
//GREEN, incremnt
for(n=0;n<220;n+=10) {x=1./M_E+0.01*n; Lb=lob(x);
if(n==0) M(x,y) else L(x,y) }
fprintf(o,"1.1 W 0 .9 0 RGB S\n");
for(n=0;n<220;n+=2) {x=1./M_E+.01+0.01*n; Lb=lob(x);
if(n/4*4 == n) M(x,y) else L(x,y) }
fprintf(o,"0 setlinecap S\n");
//PINK, period
fprintf(o,"0 0 0 RGB\n");
for(n=12;n<82;n++) {x=1./M_E+0.005*n+.00025*n*n; Lb=lob(x);
q=2*M_PI*I/log(x*Lb); y=Re(q); o(x,y) }
fprintf(o,"1 0 1 RGB\n");
for(n=0;n<220;n+=3) {x=1./M_E+.011+0.01*n; Lb=lob(x);
q=2*M_PI*I/log(x*Lb); y=Im(q); o(x,y) }