Zimmerman Telegram/Bibliography

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A list of key readings about Zimmerman Telegram.
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  • Boghardt, Thomas. "The Zimmermann Telegram: Diplomacy, Intelligence and the American Entry. into World War I." (working paper 2003) online edition
  • Beesly, Patrick. Room 40: British Naval Intelligence, 1914-18. (1982).
  • Freeman, Peter. "The Zimmermann Telegram Revisited: A Reconciliation of the Primary Sources." Cryptologia 30, no. 2 (Apr. 2006): 98-150.
  • Friedman, William F., and Charles J. Mendelsohn. The Zimmermann Telegram of January 16, 1917 and Its Cryptographic Background. Washington: War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, GPO, 1938, reprinted 1976 and 1994
  • Katz, Friedrich. The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution. (1981)
  • Link, Arthur S. Wilson: Campaigns for Progressivism and Peace: 1916-1917 (1965), the standard biography online at ACLS e-books; login required.
  • Tuchman, Barbara W. The Zimmermann Telegram (1985) excerpt and text search